A few things that have made me smile on my travels in China
Feb 22, 2007 04:38
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I have seen many beautiful places and met many very nice people on my travels in China. Here are just a few things that have made me smile. I would write a reference for the guy who packed the rocks!
Not quite sure how I get more than one pic into this thread? Can anyone help?


Feb 23, 2007 02:02
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Hi Steve,
You have to click reply and then choose the pic you want to upload. Have a try! And enjoy your stay at TCG!

Feb 23, 2007 10:13
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Actually, he has already delivered half the load !
Feb 24, 2007 00:26
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Chinese people are never more happy than when eating. It may not look like it, but the meal with these friends was fit for a king. Hence the general happy ambience.


PS....Thanks for the advice Siva.
Apault...I could quite believe that that's the honest truth of the matter. It seems that nothing is impossible in this amazing country.

Feb 24, 2007 03:49
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Hello Steve,

In China,Spring festival is the most important festival so far.Generally we would have a big meal with all friends and relatives so as to have a getogether.Everyone involved does enjoy the time since it helps improving each other's relationship.What you have seen is just part of the culture.Have you ever seen that all the people in a village have dinner at one night.It is totally a amazing view,but it is not weid for us.

As for kids,it is simply a happy moment because they could get a lot of Lishi which is tradionally a must for Chinese in Spring festival.

have a lovely trip in China,Steve
Feb 24, 2007 05:09
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Hi Liz,
yes, I can imagine that a whole village all having dinner together would indeed be an amazing sight. Where can I see such a thing?

I don't know what Lishi is...but it sounds delicious...:)

I have heard it said that other people eat to live, but the Chinese live to eat? From what I have experienced I think thats very true. :)

I have had quite a few vwry lovely trips to China and will certainly have many more.

Take care Liz
Feb 24, 2007 18:46
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Lishi is called lucky package (a red envelop filled with money).This lucky package will be delivered by seniors (usually the married ones) to juniors. It is the envelope itself, rather than the money inside that the people care about during this festive period.

Personally,I think food and life are essential partner to people all over the world,no matter wherever you are from.

Feb 28, 2007 02:07
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Add drink with food. Both are essential partner to people.

Have a joke in our local---
Don’t take it otherwise.

Q. What does a Chinese person eat?
A. 01. Chinese people eat every thing in the earth except Chair & Table.
02. Chinese people eat every thing in the sky except Plane & Helicopter.

Why this joke?
We frequently visit China and some times we stayed in our Chinese friend’s home. Our friends & family asked us what we eat in China? -- as so many restriction in our local on taking foods & drink. They have heard many story about China, did not see practically. So have many asking.

My some friend, teach me this and I replied it to my friends & family.

Practically we have no problem in China during our visit as all foods & drinks available there as like other part of the world. You may take as per your freedom.

Feb 28, 2007 05:43
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Hi Liz,
You are right they are essential partners. And Lion is correct also. A good drink with a good meal really rounds everything off.

What I have found most interesting in China is just how much importance the people place on meals, and how much they enjoy them.

Maybe I am not such a food focused person but it has really struck me just how much Chinese people value their food, and as a result why the food is so varied and usually delicious.
Feb 28, 2007 17:48
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Hi Lion & chetwynd ,thank you for your comment ^_^
Mar 1, 2007 11:59
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