White cloud mountain of GZ--(soya pudding makes journey interesting)
Mar 4, 2007 23:13
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Practice perfects a man.
Mar 6, 2007 06:10
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Well noted with thanks ^_^
Mar 6, 2007 12:12
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Bu ke qi
Mar 17, 2007 00:36
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oh u can try hiking in Nan Kun Shan - its about 2 hrs from the city and there's alot of hot springs too.
Mar 17, 2007 08:21
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2 hours from which city
Mar 18, 2007 11:09
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2 hrs from Guangzhou city - towards the southwest
Mar 18, 2007 22:09
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Mar 20, 2007 17:17
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Nan Kun Shan,I heard about it,but have never been there.

I think I need to ask my friends if any of them is willing to go with me.My sixth sense tells me "nobody".^_^
Mar 21, 2007 09:36
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I know 5 senses
You are telling 6
That means you have discovered one more.
What are these?

May be some body waiting on one leg for you.
Mar 22, 2007 19:16
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We know that humans have five basic senses or ways in which to detect signals coming from the world around them. Those five senses are: sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. There also seems to be a 6th sense--a psychic sense--that many people possess. People with this sense claim to be able to predict the future, sense spirits, and even read others' minds.

Many people have experienced dreams, visions, or unexplained feelings where they could predict some future event, sense a spirit or presence of something or someone, or even read someone else's mind. This happens to so many people--especially concerning sensing future events--that it cannot be overlooked as a possible sense for which scientists simply don't have an answer.

How can we prove that the 6th sense exists? Scientists require that for some phenomenon to be verified, it must be measurable and repeatable. The problem with the 6th sense is that it is very difficult to repeat experiments with it. Most people do not seem to have control over the sense, where they can turn it on at will. In fact, the harder a person tries to use his or her 6th sense, the less it seems to work.

On the other hand, there seem to be so many people who have experienced these strange happenings or have abilities to sense things that can't be explained. This indicate that there must be something to the idea of a 6th sense.

Besides the standard 5 basic senses, there may also be a 6th sense, where people can see into the future either through some feeling or through a dream or trance. Included with that sense are the possibility of seeing spirits and reading minds. Those seem more questionable. It is difficult to verify the 6th sense, because it is not predictable.

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