re-entry on an F visa
Feb 27, 2007 23:04
  • JENI
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I am coming to China on an F visa, just issued, valid for 6 months.

I would like to travel to Hong Kong in this time to visa a friend, and am worried about getting another visa while I am there as it will probably be a short weekend trip.

Is there a way to get a re-entry visa before I leave for Hong Kong?

What documentation might I need?

Thanks for any help!

Feb 28, 2007 02:30
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You do not say in your profile page; however, I assume you are an American citizen ??

If so, you know the American F Visa is for business:

.......The F Visa: Also known as a business visa, is issued to applicants who are invited to PRC China for business, research, lecture, scientific-technological and culture exchanges, short-term advanced studies or intern practice for a period of no more than six months......

You do not indicate if it is a multiple entry visa or not ??
These visas can be had in single, double, or multiple entry versions, each costing a little more than the former.

Also, not sure why you would even need a multiple entry PRC visa, if you visit HK before or after, you travel in the PRC ??

It is always so difficult to answer these type of questions with pertinent details missing ???
Feb 28, 2007 10:32
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Hello roger,
No blank place in your reply.
You have asked very thing which are need.
may be Jeni newer in this field.
Feb 28, 2007 23:36
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VISA FOR HONG KONG (SPECIAL ADMINISTRATIVE REGION) U.S. passport holders do not need a visa to enter Hong Kong (Special Administrative Region) for tourism or business, and may stay up to 90 days.
Mar 2, 2007 10:00
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If your visa is not multiple entry then you can reapply while you are in HK. Most agencies there seem only to 'happy' to issue F visas' without even asking if this is what you are applying for.

At least this was my recent experience.

I was applying for Z Visa and they were surprised when I handed them my letter of invitation, etc.
Nov 13, 2007 22:15
I am coming to China on an F visa, issued and valid for 12 months. With multi entry visa
I am Indian citizen. visa shows each entry is 30days stay. Suppose i have meet business peoples in China, Hong Kong and Thailand

After my first entry to china and leave from china to Hong Kong business purpose and want again to enter china what i should do for this can I back same day or have to wait next day?

I have to frequent travel to china and Hang Kong for my business. so this cases what is the role?
Any one can help me this ?

Dec 14, 2007 23:11
GUEST32310 I will be returning to Beijing with a f visa valid until 2008. It was issued in China and allowed 1 entry. I returned to Canada and now will leave again . I have always travelled to china on visitor 3 month visa ( which gets changed in china), and required to also have a return ticket . Now , i am re-entering China on a f visa. Can i enter with just a one way flight ticket ?? I am going to the airport with just my passport, F visa, and a one-way flight ticket!! will i encounter a problem

D.H ( Toronto Canada)
Dec 16, 2007 10:46
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GUEST47116. You have no problems re-entering the mainland the same day. Your only restriction s are that you cannot stay on the mainland for more than 30 days (including start and end days), and you must finally leave by the end date.
Dec 16, 2007 10:50
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GUEST32310: I believe you will need a new visa. You have used up the one entry. I think you will find that there is a pen mark through the place where it says one entry, indicating that this has taken place. You didn't make a fresh entry into China, but being here counts as an entry.

I am interested to hear you needed a return ticket. Many countries have this but I have never heard of it being required in China.
Dec 16, 2007 11:06
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The rules seem to be changing on China visas. Now you can get one year F visas, but with a 30-day entry period. Which is ok if you are near Hong Kong, but a bugger otherwise. The maximum seems to be 6 months for F visas, but if you clock up a few of these, certain agencies will give you one year F visas - for a fee.

Flying Kiwi
For the best guides in China, visit
Aug 6, 2009 18:01

I am in this exact situation. What did you end up doing to resolve the entry issue? I have a single-entry F student Visa for the US into Beijing.

But I need a double/multi-entry...Were you able to apply for a re-entry at a security bureau once you arrived in China?|s2janet
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