Ginger Slice Pork Waist Flower
Mar 6, 2007 01:41
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Pork Waist:2、Ginger Slice: 10g,Balm、Pepper、Salt、MSG


1、Open the kidney in the middle and remove lumbar bashfulness, cut to the rear two-thirds of curved wood graver, then erase all vertical blades, linked constantly slashed and slashed curved wood graver flowers into fish gills

2、Boiling them into the hot water and boiling, then put them in the water get rid of the smelly taste.

3、Added sesame oil, pepper, salt, MSG, and ginger slice In these meat, filled into the plate that will be Ok.

Mar 6, 2007 06:33
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What did you use to translate this??????

Pork waist -- Kidney????????and what the heck is Lumbar bashfulness

Can I ask that if you really want to post interesting things to the forum it would help if the translation was a little better.

How do you erase all vertical blades and where did they come from anyway?????
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