He Nan Convened the Whole Province Tree Planting and Afforestation Meeting
Mar 7, 2007 02:31
  • WEWE00
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From 5th to 6th, March, Henan Provincial Committee and government held a reforestation site meeting in Nanyang, The Henan Provincial Party Committee, deputy secretary Chen Quanguo stressed at the conference, to promote afforestation, construction of a modern forestry, and to accelerate the rise of central China. China to make new contributions to building a harmonious. Liu Xinmin, deputy governor presided over the meeting.


During the Meeting, Nanyang City, Zhen Ping County and the major forestation typical representatives gave speeches, Forestry departments informed the reforestation suitation of the province last winter and spring.

Chen Quanguo, emphasized in his speech to rally closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Hu Jintao as the general secretary. adhere to Deng Xiaoping Theory and the "Three Represents" as the guide, comprehensively implement the scientific development concept, China for the construction of green, green to improve quality and efficiency, in order to advance Quanshekuaiban forestry, Green as a means of engaging people, institutional mechanism for innovation as a driving force, and technology Lin, managing forests to protect, deepen understanding, clarify the mission and focused again on the level, and continuously open up new afforestation. to make a positive contribution to the development of forestry, or even faster.
Mar 7, 2007 03:16
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Sounds like good news to me. China needs more forests, to protect against both floods and desertification, and to help clean the air.
Mar 7, 2007 18:51
  • ELLEN77
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That's true, really an exciting news. The middle parts of China deserve more forestations.
Mar 9, 2007 01:20
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Wewe, I wonder if you could start another thread to explain the principles of 'scientific development' for those who are not familiar with it. I have a passing knowledge from helping students in a debate utilising this phrase...but I would love to know more.
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