cyber romance?
Mar 15, 2007 11:41
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Forget me not. (Regarded as an emblem of loving remembrance).

If you explain this sentence likes—
For (Instead of)
Get (Obtain)
Me (I)
Not (Negative).

Sure, your loving one forgets you.

Cyber Romance, go in deep, how it is practically using.
Scientist inventing new technology for sparkle future of human. We are using it killing our self.
Yes, every law has some exceptions.
Mar 25, 2007 11:44
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All of the people I have met who started their romance on the internet are happy together. I think the internet romance has better odds than the bar scene. After all, you like the person before you actually meet them. And one of the first rules of a marriage is that you like the other person.
Mar 25, 2007 17:22
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Two years ago I got involved in a romance on line. I visited the lady as my first stop in China. I was coming to see how we got on. She had told friends we were about to be engaged. It did not work for me but it did for her. It was very difficuly explaining to her...etc, it was not easy for either of us. I found it more difficuly because ! was in a strange country and had done nothing on my own since I had been here.

It wasn't the fault of the internet, though it allowed us to think we knew each other better than we did. Similar problems can occur when both are from the same culture and meet in conventional ways. The internet simply provides more opportunities to meet and talk.

Mar 26, 2007 13:00
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So come to me:-
Internet for information, not for romance.
Mar 31, 2007 23:53
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I like to meet people through work or other friends. Among the romances I have had, the best ones were with people I went to school with or worked with. Those environments provided opportunities to see the other person regularly, spend time on shared interests, and in the process develop a deep affection for each other. Somehow, I have not liked cyber dating so much... from my experiences I've found it disappointing, and being a very shy girl -- I don't really enjoy meeting complete strangers off the internet.

I guess I'm a traditionalist when it comes to romance :-)
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