What kind of government is the P.R.C.???
Mar 26, 2007 17:32
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"Well, the market economy looks very capitalist"

It is a MARKET SOCIALISM. So the market economy is just Market-socialistic economy.

", the government is "authoritarian" by western standards"

I think that some countries as Australia and Canada where the constitution says that the Queen of England is the boss are really "authoritarian". In China the boss of China are Chinese, no English and no Queens.

", but opening up and lightening up, the country is supposed to be socialist but so far lacks most of the infrastructure common to the social democracies of Western Europe, Canada, Australia and New Zealand"

What exactly do you mean?

", but the trend is toward that kind of social democracy, and then, in theory at least (one cannot predict the future) socialism and then communism."

That is right.

"Only westerners would describe China as communist, and that comes from a lack of understanding of what the word means. Chinese will say socialist, of course, and that is the theory and what the government is trying to build right now."


Mar 26, 2007 17:47
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"I would suggest that China is neither communist nor socialist. There are more services for the poor and needy in most western countries (excluding the USA, probably)."

May be, but there is not so safe, for example the crime rate is much bigger than in China. So, if your primary human's law - DO NOT BE KILLED is not guarantee, what "service" for people is this?

." As for business, it seems to me that Chinese businesses can treat their staff however they like. There are many many more regulations on business practice in all developed countries."

That is true. Sometimes the staff is like in a feudal era. Why? Because they don't know what are their constitutional rights.

"Then there are policies which blatantly favour the rich - in one I am familiar with no new motorcycles are permitted but there is no restriction on cars. I believe bicycles are also being banned from some city centres, but not cars. Is this socialism."

I don't know what are you talking about. But the Socialism you can see in some points like:

-Low inflation
-Pioneer's organization
-Socialistic symbols
-Strong army and Government.
-No *** on TV
-No weapons in the hands of the citizens
-Low crime rate
-Mortal punishment
-Free education in some areas

Almost like in Yugoslavia in its Golden times. Of course, we hope China to be able to build more Socialistic sides as - free hospitals, for example as it was in some socialistic countries as USSR. It will be really great!

"I am not saying that what the government is doing is wrong.... I am saying it is wrong to describe it as socialism or communism."

What about "Market socialism"? It is a scientific description.

"also called liberal socialism economic system representing a compromise between socialist planning and free enterprise, in which enterprises are publicly owned but production and consumption are guided by market forces rather than by government planning. A form of market socialism was adopted in Yugoslavia in the 1960s in distinction to the centrally planned socialism of the Soviet Union. "

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