australian wanting to go from shenzhen to macau? can i without visa, i just have chinese one?
Mar 16, 2007 04:41
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i am an australian and i have a chinese visitor visa, i am in shenzhen and have to collect my gf from macau airport, do i need to obtain a seperate visa to go to macau and do i have to re apply again to re enter china ? help me please , i have to go tomorrow , the other option is that i meet her in zhuhai and she can get the bus there from macau airport. how long from macau to zhuhai? thanks clint
Mar 16, 2007 04:57
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You need to check if you have a multiple entry visa. Probably not. Best option is to get your girlfriend to meet you in Zhuhai at the border inspection building. She can take a bus from the airport. From the airport to the border is probably less than 30 mins but you'll have to allow time for the double processing. I.E once on the Macau side and again on the Mainland side. If she is a Chinese national this should be simple and quick. If she is a foriegner then she will pass through different channels.

All the best but don'tgo into Macau without a re-entry permit.
Mar 16, 2007 05:00
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It's not far away from Macau to Zhuhai border. Relax :)
Mar 16, 2007 06:18
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thanks so much, u are right ,i only have a single entry visa. If i am catching a taxi to the zhuhai processing building what is it called ? MY girlfriend is a chinese but is a malaysian national, does this processing take very long to do? Is this processing building far from zhuhai city centre? ive only been to zhuhai once before for 5 hours
Mar 16, 2007 08:56
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Hi Clint,

Just relax. Zhuhai is small although it technically has three small centres now making up the city. The Border area is called Gongbei.
You may get a bus going directly to Gongbei. The other bus station is in Xiangzhou which is not all that far either, less than 10kms.

Alternatively you can take the ferry from Shenzhen to Zhuhai, I think it takes a little over and hour 70mins or so and arrives in Jiuzhou Harbour which is not far from Gongbei either , less than 5kms.

Good luck
Mar 16, 2007 12:48
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I agree with everything the others say. If you really want to go to Macau allow 2 or 3 days and you can get another tourist visa, visit a travel agent imn Macau to arrange it.
Mar 16, 2007 21:33
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Hi Clint, if she's a Malaysian national she'll be going through the foreigners' queue. Provided there's no problem with her documents (and there probably won't be) the only delay will be the queue, the actual processing should be fairly quick and easy. I have no idea how busy the Macau/Zhuhai crossing is, though, so I can't help you with that one. But I wouldn't worry about it.
Mar 17, 2007 04:35
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Macau / Zhuhai crossing was fine the couple of tiomes I used it. it has been designed to cope with the large numbers that it has to deal with. A plesant walk across in fact!
May 6, 2007 11:32
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Any feed back on this thread would be appreciated by other members with visa queries.
Look forward to hearing what happened.
Feb 7, 2008 23:09
is there any bus going from shenzhen to macau??
i want to take a bus going to macau............if no are there taxi's going direct to macau???
Feb 10, 2008 08:44
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Generally people do not take a bus or taxi. It is a walk across the frontier.
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