What “business” explores Chinese Economy?
Mar 16, 2007 09:23
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What “business” explores Chinese Economy?

Technology Based?
Agro Based?
Health Base?

An additional question:-
Are the English educational institutions teaching the student on that subject which explores Chinese Economy?
Mar 19, 2007 09:46
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I guess, technology based items are popular to explore China, like Electronics, Electrical, Medicals, etc

Technical English education, me not sure. Many English Sir and Madam here, may explain
Mar 20, 2007 13:02
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LP: maybe another verb instead of 'explores' - I don't quite understand what u r getting at.
Mar 23, 2007 09:24
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Hello Paul,
you may select the appropriate verb and help us.
Mar 23, 2007 10:44
Your use of the word 'explores' doesn't work for me either. it is difficult to see the meaning of your question.

Maybe it wwould be better to replace 'explores' in your question with 'best develops' or 'best exploits'.

If you ask 'what business best develops...' it implies you are asking which industry is best for China to concentrate on supporting, for the benefit of the nation.

If you ask 'what business best exploits...' it implies that you are asking which industry takes best advantage of China's resources and capabilities, and therefore is able to offer best result to the 'customer'.

I hope this may help you ask the question more clearly.
Mar 23, 2007 11:01
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Thanks Mike,
You are right but I am thinking about export business not internal. So please write more on it.
Mar 23, 2007 19:33
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Western countries in general teach, and the media say, that China has a fast developing economy without understanding how much impact this has on other economies. Few people have realised that China is effectively already the dominant country in world trade simply because of the impact it is making on demand for raw materials and westrn technology. So no, this is not being taught. In the future it needs to get away from the emphasis on cheapness of exports to an emphasis on quality, but that will come in time.

As an extra comment, Australia is an economic province of China. It is one of the cheapest developed countries because of its trade relationship and currently in a boom for the same reason. If China's economy slips, so will Australia's. Success to China, I say !!!
Mar 24, 2007 22:30
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Hello Paul,
There is an additional question~~~
Are the English educational institutions teaching the student on that subject which explores Chinese Economy?

As you are English teacher, have better knowledge on the matter.
Mar 26, 2007 12:39
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Mar 26, 2007 16:27
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Again a reply has been lost. I posted ysterday. but no worries, a new reply.

I don't know for sure as I come from a business environment not the formal educational one. My guess is that the sort of detail you mention is not taught in schools except by the occasional teacher has a specialist knowledge AND is able to find the information - not easy. In uni's it would only be relevant to a few courses and I would hope that such detail is included - though in our environment it would still depend on the level of research and reading each student did.
Apr 6, 2007 13:35
In the Europe, the UK, and in America, there are many 'Business Schools', where students undertake study for 'Master of Business Administration' (MBA) qualification. Students are usually post-graduates and often mature students, studying after some industrial/commercial experience. On these courses the students will usually select their own topic of study for the all important Final Year Research Project. I believe many choose such topic as your question asks about. Last year I purchased over the internet the report from one student's project "China on the march again - Analysis into the Chinese Business Culture". that project itself was not looking to identify the areas of greatest opportunity for trade growth, but I am sure that others might. If you try internet searching and link MBA with China Study, you may get some useful hits.
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