A budget or a luxury tour?
Mar 25, 2007 04:35
  • MENG
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Hi everyone,

Recently, I have read an article which said that most of Chinese prefer to have a luxury travel. It referes to apart from enjoying the landscape, these travelers trend to have 4 or 5 star-rated hotels, delicious food and other good-quality service. In fact, that is acceptable for us all the time.

However, the article also said that this kind of travel is not a really travel (which is emphasize on scenic spots and don't care much about the above ones) any more. And, it is just a reflection of Chinese people's vanity.

My dear friends, how do you think about this idea?
Mar 25, 2007 11:22
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Luxury for business people
budget for original traveler
Mar 25, 2007 17:31
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Wouldn't most people prefer luxury travel if they have the money for it? I would guess most people who travel, go at at the main festival times, go by bus and train and stay with family ! I think the report is saying that of the people who can afford western style holidays, most prefer luxury - of course!

Also, even amongst this group, many have very little time off work so if they can afford a holiday, they are prepared to spend on luxury for the short holiday.
Mar 26, 2007 09:05
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I agree with Lion:-)
Mar 31, 2007 22:40
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4me, luxury or budget depends on country :)

down under australia:alone>rent korean 1.5l car,drive thousands of km, park in caravan parks sleep in car,eat in car :)
wif frens>rent motorhome, drive hundreds of km, park in caravan parks sleep in motorhome,eat in motorhome,poo in motorhome :)
2 budget 2 packpack will cost more, considerin e bus cost, e day trips, e hostel.......

China: budget is good :) luxury only on business :)

asian countries Thailand, Malaysia, Laos, Cambodia : Motorbiking, :)

India & Iindonesia: luxury is within reach :)

Japan & Europe : beyond my grab be it luxury or budget

America : ...........

smile & be happy
auntieagle inshenyang

Mar 31, 2007 23:12
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I'd like to drive through China, and stop at small towns, take my time to see all the quaint places that maybe not all tourists stop to visit. In Canada, we love our *road trips*, camping, and motorhomes.

Luxury trips are nice, but they are for a certain kind of people -- those who are afraid of dirt and germs. (Some people cannot handle the reality of rural developing countries). I went on a luxury kayaking trip in Canada, and thought it was overpriced. We went to see the killer whales but they ending up feeding us like whales (on chocolate cake and eggs hollandaise), and we lounged on the shore like beached whales too. :-( Certainly did not feel like a true wilderness experience. Being pampered takes away the satisfaction because the person has insulated themselves from their environment with all their luxuries.
Apr 1, 2007 17:48
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I agree Chynagirl. But I think that is what most people want. It seems most 'backpackers' in China fly in to a city, catch a taxi to the backpacker hostel which has most mod cons, pull at least two large cases on wheels, see only the recognised tourist attractions - and then move on to the next city in the same way. People can call me old fashioned if they want to but I will keep carrying my backpack. (And I will do a couple of years with a car and caravan around Australia when I quit China)

I would love to get a vehicle to travel around China, not sure I can make it happen though. I am sure we miss so much quietly interesting, out of the way places travelling by bus and train.
Apr 2, 2007 03:55
  • MENG
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haha, it seems that most of us think that the luxury trip is for business.
There is a Chinese city where I think a luxury trip is better. It is Sanya, totally for enjoyment, isn't it?
Apr 3, 2007 06:11
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talk about budget travelling in china, the cheapest and rather comfortable place to stay between towns are the bathhouses.
Have met some foreigners doing that :) anyone?

ride & b free
auntiEAGLE in shenyang

Apr 3, 2007 11:17
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Sorry we are apart from you. We are at south
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