Traveling China in August. Looking for travel companion
Mar 27, 2007 13:35
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I'm a 31yo guy who will be traveling through China in August and would love to find a travel partner. I'm a very laid back, experienced traveler with a sense of adventure. If anyone will be in the area aroud that time let me know.

Apr 2, 2007 02:41
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hi there, you may try to visit this site, You'll meet here your fellow travellers from China that could share along with your trip. Enjoy travelling!
Apr 14, 2007 20:11
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Hey Kyle,

I am currently teaching at a university in Beijing. A friend (co-teacher) from England and I are going to start traveling starting the first of August. We plan on heading west working our way to Xinjuang Province and then heading south as the weather starts to turn cool. We will probably end up using the trains and buses. The costs of buying a van seem to be mounting up more than the savings. In the event this looks like something you could enjoy, drop me a line. In all probability, we will be on the road longer than your plans call for but it may be worth looking into. A fellow teacher has traveled quite a bit in China and has given us more then enough places to go see and visit than we could possibly cover in a month. We plan on being out for five to six months. Like I said, if this is of any interest to you, drop me a line
Apr 19, 2007 10:41
i wanna travel with you!! All around china, anywhere! In July and August! That must fantastic!
Apr 20, 2007 10:08
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Hey Stuart,
Consider hiring vehicle and driver in some of your destinations to get around easily and quickly. with two or more sharing expenses it si very practicleexpecially in Xinjiang.. We did this in Turpan although you can hire a bike if you can stand the heat and again in Jiayuguan in Gansu. I've also done this is many other places around the country.

Happy travels
Apr 21, 2007 14:10
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i might be interested in joining you for part of your month, depending if our general areas of interest match. I'm thinking of traveling to Xinjiang, Szechuan, Tibet, Yunnan but have not even a preliminary plan yet. All I know is that is the general direction and I would like to travel for a month. If you have a plan, please let me know -- I might like to join you for.
Apr 26, 2007 09:53
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Hey all.... maybe we need a new thread for people who are intersted in meeting up but not necessarily being together for whole trip. I JUST don't know what I will be doin that far ahead...we ain't all Griz!!!!!!
May 9, 2007 04:29
  • HOPE2008
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Hi, Kyle,

I am Hope here in Beijing.If you come to beijing one day, just let me know.

I can offer you with a tour guide to show you around Beijing.Hehe

My phone : 13371778306, 81625539

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