Do you believe in the constellation?
Mar 30, 2007 04:39
  • CAOJUAN157
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It seems that Chinese young generation has become more and more enthusiastic about the constellation.
According the ancient Greek culture, people can be classified into 12 different groups, based on their birth date. Namely, Aries (23, March--22, April), Taurus (23, April--22, May), Gemini (23, May--22,June)..........
What's interesting is that many young people today believe in the doctrine of constellation. When they make new friends they would like to ask about each other's constellation first, only to judge if their dispositons are suitable for friendship. Especially for those who want to find a boyfriend/girlfriend, constellation is the foremost factor!
Is it a queer habit that has formed between those youth? I believe it is a kind of superstition--or rather the theory of constellation is just for amusement.
Mar 30, 2007 23:06
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Astrology, not constellations. Constellations are simply groups of stars. Everybody believes in them because we can all see them. Astrology is the belief that the stars can tell us about our destiny, and I agree it is purely superstition. Nevertheless, many people persist in believing in it.
Mar 31, 2007 01:52
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Astrology, not constellations. Constellations are simply groups of stars. Everybody believes in them because we can all see them.
You are so humorous, Chris! LOL......
I sometimes believe it sometimes not, depend on my mood! LOL.......
Mar 31, 2007 23:41
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Hmm... I believe in it up to a point. For example, people born under the sign Gemini are said to be quick thinkers and intelligent. All my Gemini acquaintances seem to fit this description. I don't think I match my sign completely. Even though I'm born under the sign Gemini, I feel more like a Pisces (fish).
Apr 2, 2007 00:41
  • CAOJUAN157
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Sorry, I've made a big mistake.
Chris,thanks very much for your correction.
Apr 2, 2007 00:50
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Not that big a mistake, and I was only clarifying things. Sorry, I've been an English teacher for too long.

Chynagirl, the problem with astrology in general and horoscopes in particular is that they're all kept so vague that you can interpret them in any way you like so that it does always fit the situation. That's how they keep people believing.
Apr 2, 2007 01:17
  • CAOJUAN157
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Thank you! Teacher Chris, I cannot agree with you more! But in my campus, the astrology is really a hot topic talked by girls. I know clearly it is a kind of superstition, but sometimes I just cannot help but join the heated discussion cause it is so appealing!
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