How is your April Fools Day?
Mar 31, 2007 02:17
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Many Chinese enjoy western festivals nowadays! April Fools Day is one of the most interesting days! How is your April Fools Day? Usually cheat or be cheated? LOL......

It is comming soon, be careful......LOL......
Mar 31, 2007 18:49
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Did you know that In Australia April Fools Day has been cancelled this year because so many young people get up to mischief.? Instead, Sunday will be the 2nd April, Monday the 3rd and so on and so that we don't lose a day there will be a 31st April added to the end of the month.
Mar 31, 2007 23:32
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In Canada, we also cancelled April Fools Day. There were so many problems on that day -- that the government has strictly prohibited anyone from fooling others under threat of severe punishment. Anyone who tries to cheat someone on April Fool's Day will be sent to a SAREC (Smartass Re-Education Camp) in the countryside until they learn not to make fun at others' expense.
Apr 1, 2007 03:43
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So April Fool culture was a fool decision
Apr 1, 2007 17:35
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Chynagirl, I fear you will have to attend SAREC this year, I hear it will be held on 31 April :)
Apr 1, 2007 20:08
  • LEOPOLD219
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as ordinary as before
Apr 1, 2007 20:10
Hi Paul,
Your government's decision is so interesting. It's very different from Chinese style. If is was Chinese government, it would decide that people can fool nobody on April 1, but it would never change the calendar.
Apr 1, 2007 20:29
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Here I am to admit that I was made a April Fool yesterday.

It was a just text message, reads: Downloading images, please wait....
so I waited, holding my phone, sincerely. several minutes passed but nothing happened.

It was finally that I found the truth when I paged down. there were words reading thanks for waiting, April Fool, somekind, I did not remember exactly, 'cause I should have deleted it before I finished it.LOL, Anyway, It was funny. at no expense. :)))

Apr 1, 2007 20:57
  • ELLEN77
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Yes, CANDYQ , I also suffered to the same trouble as you say yestoday. I just kept it as a joke and laughed a bit when I knew I became a April Fool. I haven't thought that in the west this begins to be prohitted. But I think it will be really annoying if it goes too far beyond from the normal.
Apr 2, 2007 05:21
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Last year the French railways sent an April fool (called April fish) message to announce the three-storey TGV...
Apr 2, 2007 18:11
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Bethany...... April Fool !!!!!!!
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