Do you have a strong business sense?
Apr 5, 2007 04:20
  • CAOJUAN157
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Do you think you have a strong business sense? I mean if you are good at arranging you own money.
In my opinion, commercially minded people are more likely to become rich. However, a good commercial mind can be trained since one is very young.
Still remember? How did you use your pocket money when you were a child? I think earning pocket money from parents per month can form a child's business sense.
Apr 5, 2007 04:24
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Well I think I am the last one who have business sense. Always I can't even count out how much I have spent! LOL....
Apr 5, 2007 04:43
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Absolutely not. And I don't think it's about training, either, some people are naturally better at business than others. I have lots of ideas for how to make money, but I certainly wouldn't hire me to run a business.
Apr 5, 2007 05:42
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Ditto Chris. I too believe that these "gifts" are not learned but intrinsic to certain types of individuals. Personally I would find it difficult to run a business because I just dislike taking money from people. Been like that all my life.
I wouldn't hire me to run a business either.
Apr 5, 2007 07:15
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May be the saying is OK. It's reminds my childhood.
I was very careful about my pocket money and never purchased a goods by the balanced pocket money where no profit.
Apr 5, 2007 16:32
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I'm with Chris and Chetwynd. I earnt money as a kid, I budget, I have worked many years in big business (where I have a good business sense) but I have not become rich. Simply, I have never had an interest in becoming rich. Maybe it was my socialist upbringing in the 60's.... hippies, flower power, not profit :) :)

Others want to be rich, that's good, it provides jobs for the rest of us.
Apr 5, 2007 20:29
  • MAY001
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Yes, good at earn save and save money doesn't mean that we can become rich. Opportunity, business sense, courage, wariness, etc. can make us rich.
Apr 5, 2007 22:24
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I would say business takes a certain kind of personality. Me? I'm happy with my books and the internet and the occasional cold beer. I'm easy to please. I'd be a crap businessman for precisely that reason.

Still, I would like to open a pub one day- but I'd supply the ideas, my wife would do the management. She's my manager, anyway, so she's getting plenty of experience.
Apr 5, 2007 22:37
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Welcome to do business, earn for yourself and the people who needs financial help
Apr 5, 2007 23:02
  • CAOJUAN157
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Well, my friends. Neverthless,becoming rich is not the most important thing!
We live to be happy:)
Apr 5, 2007 23:07
  • CAOJUAN157
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I still believe that learning to arrange the pocket money in one's childhood is crucial for the formation of a business sense.
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