Apr 9, 2007 03:20
  • JOHNNY512
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There was a famous war between France and Britain, which lasted a long time, we call it the "Hundred Years War". It started in 1337, ended in 1453, continued for a total of 116 years. The reason of the war was the opccupation of a piece of territory. The war primarily happened in France, which brought untold suffering to the people of France. In this war, we witness the birth of French heroine Joan. She led the resistance of French people.

That was the end of the "Hundred Years War". At that time, France was in danger. 80% territory was occupied by Britain. Furthermore, domestic aristocracy divided into two groups. Both of them did something fratricidal. And one of them named Bourgogne party colluded with the British against the King of France, conspired to split the country. Imminently France would be buried in the hands of the enemy. She appeared.

Joan was an ordinary farm girl, lived in Dumily village, east of France. Her father was a poor farmers, lived in planting and several goats. Joan helped parents to work so hard that she had no chance to go to school, even though the most simple letters. But she was vety exciting, because she knew the critical state in defending the motherland and French people hadn't given up resistance. Coincidentally, there was a legend spreading in her hometown that a girl would save the country.

Early 1429, when she was 17, British siege of Orleans in the south of Paris, which was strategic town of France. Once the city fell, southern France, will completely collapsed. At that time, Joan felt this was the moment to dedicate for her homeland. She eventually sought help.

Under her guidance, the French army won successive victories.
Finally, she was betrayed, burned by British.

When the fire began to burn in her feet, people heard the strong voice of heroine—— I believe that my career is justicial forever!" Only 19 years old when she died.

Apr 9, 2007 20:17
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Tragically, heroine's must die at the whim's of those that they have made war with. History continues to repeat itself as war remains headline news everyday. When will humanity come to realize that every individual has the freedom and power to make a conscious decision?

Funny, how the French always seem to be involved in some type of conflict. And, although they rarely ever win the war, their presence is wide and far spread throughout the world. What is it about French colonization that keeps their culture alive, even after they have been conquered and defeated?

The decision that I have made today today is to live in, and at peace, with the world. And so it is......

Apr 11, 2007 23:14
  • KEVIN0518
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I have seen this movie. In Chinese, it is named 圣女贞德.Very touching.
Apr 11, 2007 23:28
  • CONNY129
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Yes,I've heard of it too,very impressive.
Apr 15, 2007 21:38
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But i don't think CONNY will watch it
Apr 17, 2007 04:42
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Apr 18, 2007 22:38
  • MAY001
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It's bloody and cruel.
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