Spectacular Scenes in Commuting Hours of Different Countries
Apr 12, 2007 19:49
  • CAOJUAN157
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Los Angeles

Apr 12, 2007 19:51
  • CAOJUAN157
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Ho Chi Minh City

Apr 12, 2007 19:53
  • CAOJUAN157
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Apr 12, 2007 19:54
  • CAOJUAN157
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Apr 12, 2007 19:58
  • CAOJUAN157
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Oh, sorry! the 3rd one is Boston
Apr 12, 2007 19:59
  • CAOJUAN157
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and the fouth one is Berlin: )
Apr 12, 2007 20:02
  • CAOJUAN157
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this one is Beijing

Apr 12, 2007 20:10
  • CAOJUAN157
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New Delhi

Apr 14, 2007 22:02
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They don't look that much different to me. Another reason to stay away from big cities -- the highways are just parking lots at some times of the day.
Apr 16, 2007 12:09
Wow, a sixties Mustang caught in the New Delhi rush-hour! - it must be pining for open free-way :-)
Apr 20, 2007 10:42
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First one looks more like Ho Chi Min city followed by Los Angeles ?????
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