Chinese Fever in the world
Apr 13, 2007 01:27
  • LEOPOLD219
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About 30,000,000 foreigners learn Chinese and Chinese is taught in 2500 universities in over 100 countries. and some Confucius Institutes have been established in foreign countries. Even the US media said that it is a must to master Chinese confronted with the gobalization. Yu Dan, a famous teacher of Beijing Nornal University as well as a master of the Analects of Confucius held her lecture in Singerpore and attracted more than 1200 people to listen her lecture. Chinese is a popular in the world.
Here comes the question: Why do so many foreigners learn Chinese?Can you explain it?
Apr 14, 2007 07:49
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Why not? There are those who learn Chinese for primarily economic reasons, and I will admit that getting a better job is one motivation for me, but the main reason to learn Chinese, at least for me, is because it's so fascinating.

Anyway, as China's cultural, economic and political stature in the world grow, more and more people will learn Chinese for a multitude of reasons. I guess we can expect the majority, or at least a very large number of them, to be learning Chinese in order to take advantage of China's rise- for primarily economic reasons, in other words- but still, it's a fascinating country, culture and language and that is more than enough reason to learn.
Apr 14, 2007 13:35
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I find that a lot of people are interested in Chinese culture these days. One reason is that a lot of men in Western countries are dating and marrying Asian women, more often. Through their girlfriend or wife, they become engaged in learning the language and culture. Another reason is that Chinese food and festivals are quite popular abroad. I find that French people really like Chinese art and design and Iranian people also like Chinese culture because it has similarities to their culture. Chinese families have close familial bonds like Iranian culture. Here in North America, Jewish people are crazy for Chinese food, and through that get to know the festivals and also are intermarrying with Chinese people.
Apr 14, 2007 18:05
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China has now become asccessible. For so many years it was closed and then underdeveloped in a tourist sense. Now it is somewhere that is still 'off the beaten track' for the main tourist countries.

The same is true for business: increasingly businesses who trade regularly with China want to have some Chinese speaking staff. And of course international trade is increasing all the time.

So for both pleasure and business people will learn Chinese or want to know more about the country.
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