A '90 Post' teenager go to school with his dementia mother
Apr 17, 2007 04:51
  • LEOPOLD219
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A 17 year-old boy--Tao Xing's filial piety, kindness and sense of gratitude have moved countless people.
Tao Xing was a senior high school student. When he was 14, his father died of cancer, leaving him 20,000 debts and the task of looking after his dementia mother. Since then, Tao Xing took on the responsibility to take care of his mother. Last year, after he entered high school, he rented a house near the school for the convenience to take care of his mother.
In order to save money, he lives on less than 18 RMB per week!!! Tao Xing even promised that he would go to the university with his mother one day in the future.
Compared with the spoiled generation of '90 Post', Tao Xing's deeds is indeed a good example!
Apr 17, 2007 05:09
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"Compared with the spoiled generation of '90 Post', Tao Xing's deeds is indeed a good example!"

No, come on. I think the 'spoiled' part only applies to affluent urban youth. Most of China's youth still come from a fairly hard-up background and know how to put in an honest day's work.

Having said that, I'm amazed. This kid Tao Xing deserves our respect and support. Awesome guy.
Apr 17, 2007 14:27
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In some former socialistic countries, due to the new capitalistic "care" some people are living with almost the same qauntity of money. I just can't imagine what hell will be in China if happend something similar like in USSR and East Europe. So, respect the government and the Party otherwise all of us will be the same as Tao Xing.
Apr 17, 2007 19:49
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There was a similar story years ago, around 1996. That story was made into a film and moved so many people. Chinese name of the film is '背起爸爸上学' . anyone who still remember it?
Apr 17, 2007 20:52
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Yes it is really a moving film shown in 1998!
"Bearing Father to School"

I was touched deeply to tears by the respectable boy called Shi Wa when I wathced the film!

The father got badly sick and even wanted to commit suicide to not add burden to his son. But Shi Wa insisted on taking care of his father. Every morning, when other students were still in dream, he had to bear his father to cross the chilly river and go to school....

China has a proverb saying 'Flial piety comes first among all the kindness'. It's really true and may be more precious in modern society.

Apr 18, 2007 22:31
  • MAY001
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As I wrote in some other thread, elder generation always like to have prejudice towards younger generation. That's why the 70s generation were called Lost Generation, 80s were called Halting Generation and 90s the Ruined Generation.
Apr 21, 2007 22:27
  • ELLEN77
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Yes, I remember the film, it is really touching.
These kind and filial childrens should draw more considerations from the government.
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