Do Chinese teenagers travel abroad?
Apr 23, 2007 06:58
  • HDKO
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I am doing a study on what Chinese teenagers do during their holidays. Do they (want to) travel? Do they (want to) travel abroad? What is the kind of holiday they are interested in?

It would be great if anyone could give me information on that subject or would know where I can find that information.


Apr 23, 2007 09:25
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Yes Chinese teenagers travel overseas in droves but not because they are so free to travel.

Most of them are on language learning tours of anything from three weeks to several months, with thier schools approval and their parents money.

This is usually only available for the wealthier families however there would be a few scholarships.

This is also the only way many teachers would ever get a chance to leave the country and English teachers are sometimes the envy of other staff members although many non- English spaeking teachers do get to travel as supervision for larger groups.

As for teenagers choosing and traveling independantly. No too many, unless travelling with family.

While the kids appreciate the Summer camps and all the activites many of them enjoy the freedom and the shopping more than anything else.

Apr 23, 2007 19:54
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Yes, most teenagers WANT TO travel and WANT TO travel abroad. But only a few families can afford the money to travel abroad. Most likely, they have to stay at home, visit relatives and friends, play with classmates, watch TV and Do homework.

I don't know what king of holiday they like. When I was young, I never thought about this question. I knew I had to do homework. hehe~~~
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