Do you like pure milk or soybean milk?
Apr 30, 2007 02:19
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A friend of mine told me she has lost much weight since she came to China. That is because she changes her habite of drinking pure milk to soybean milk every morning!!

Which do you usually drink for your breakfast? : D
Apr 30, 2007 03:19
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I prefer yoghourt
Apr 30, 2007 10:25
  • KEVIN0518
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Yes, yoghourt and pure milk.
Apr 30, 2007 20:41
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Sorry, I did not like milk
May 7, 2007 06:12
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soybean milk
May 7, 2007 22:30
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Dairy milk always upsets my stomach because i'm lactose intolerant. I like almond milk and soybean milk instead.
May 8, 2007 01:55
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Soybean milk is better for most of Chinese.
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