Get all the cups meet together when having wine with your friends?
May 12, 2007 03:52
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Hello all,

Here is a question, maybe a little bit stupid. : =) But just curious.........

In China, it is a habite to cheers when some friends drink wine together. Is it the same in other nations? And do you know how this habite formed? Why we have to get all of the wine cups meet together before drinking? Just to celebrate or something else????
May 12, 2007 04:14
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Hello Evening,

Not a silly questiona at all. Bears some . Most western cultures use 'toast' making to give honour, best wishes, etc to people of rspecial occasions sometimes at a meal or a more informal gathering around a room.

We use the terms 'cheer' when we sip of the drink and
'bottoms up' when we plan to empty the glass just like 'gan bei' literally meaning 'dry cup'

I'm not sure where the tapping of glasses ups from - it may just be a token of joining with the person we are toasting. We also just raise our glasses in the air if there are too many to tap with.

The other huge difference I notice here in China is that you can be in a very up market restaurant and there will be one or more table sof men but sometimes women playing 'paper,rock and sissors' and other similar games followed by the downing of the glass of alcohol by the looser. some of my friends have even used this to finish off leftover food. Me prefer not to order so much than stuff myslef in this manner.

In the West we have special 'pubs' where people who with to drink and make a lot of noise usually hang out with friends. There they can buy a cheap 'counter meal' for lunch or dinner and continue drinking and generally rabel rousing in the same atmosphere as everyone else. The 'pubs'or bars are usually part of a larger facility housing several qualities of restaurant, bars and casinos (these days) and often have hotel accommodation at mid range prices.

Quite different to what I've expereince here.
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