May 21, 2007 20:48
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Hello, friends, acquaintances & enemies of Pinetree. Long time no see !
Have been away for about 6 months traveling quite extensively in China on budget in line with my travel dreams. During these travels, I experienced the wonders & sights of this great country in more details than my previous trips, its variety & gained some insights into her people & culture.
I will probably continue my roaming of China whenever the opportunity arises. It has been a wonderful 1.5 yrs (tho during the last 0.5 yr I was inactive) as member of this Forum - full of sound & fury. I believe I have gained a few friends & made many enemies. No regret though as far as enemies are concerned.
I am convinced that there is no more value for me to add to this Forum & as such I just drop in to say "Goodbye & Farewell" to one & all. U guys/gals have fun here whilst I have mine somewhere in China (no, not another website as 1 retarded member suggested earlier) & take care of yourselves.
Just remember - in case one day whilst u are on your way to work or shop in China, should a stranger come up to you greeting you with "Hi, goodai to you, so & so..." & stretches out his dirty hand to ask for dole from you, please be generous - it might be this Pinetree.
Hahaha !! So long chums.

NB - By copy to Christine/Siva, please delete my profile & all my previous threads/posts/comments from the Forum - I do not wish to leave anything behind for anyone to remember, love or hate. Thanks.

May 21, 2007 21:29
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Dear Pinetree,

I'm very sorry to see your decision but happy to know that you are enjoying your travel in China. We can delete your profile but can't delete all of your posts because there are other people's replies on your threads. If we delete your threads, their replies will also be deleted.

Thanks for your participation in the past and hope you can enjoy your next trip in China.

Community Moderators
May 22, 2007 08:40
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Pinetree, you have been travelling for the last 6 months in China, but you say you have nothing to add! I am puzzled! Change your mind and tell us about yr travels. Come back!
May 22, 2007 19:55
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Maybe he will never see our post.
May 23, 2007 02:12
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Good riddance.
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