How much should the president of the banks earn?
May 29, 2007 00:55
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A report reveals that all of the presidents of the 8 banks which have gone public earn at least 1 million Yuan in a year. The president of Shenzhen Development Bank reached 9.95 million. Compared with him, Li Renjie, the president of Xingye Bank earns the least but also exceeds one million.

Before the four Chinese stated owned banks went public, the presidents of those four banks earned not much. After going public, their salary in a year exceeds one million. It rises too fast.

The criterion for measuring the salary of the president is the benefit and interests he brings for the company. Your payment has something to do with your competence. Some people argue that we should not make comparisons between the president and the ordinary workers. While enjoying the well-paid salary, they also burden much pressure. However, the achievements have been scored are not done by the president himself. The ordinary staffs also make their contribution. Why does their salary rise?

At present, the disparity between the rich and the poor becomes wider and wider. If the situation becomes worse and worse, the social conflicts will appear. Through comparison, we found that the gap between the urban areas and the rural areas was too wide and the government made the decision to solve the problem about agriculture, rural areas and farmers and to build a new socialist countryside.

How do you think of this issue? Should the president earn so much? Please let us hear your voice.
May 29, 2007 19:49
  • KEVIN0518
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Surprising! They earned so much.
May 30, 2007 10:05
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Such high salaries are also an issue in many weestern countries. If they are really good enough to generate extra profits for teh company then we must say they are worth it. (of course the profits came from customers, who could have paid lower fees.......... but this is the way of the market economy).

It can also be argued that high salaries reduces the likelihood of corruption as they dont need the money or at least the risk is less worthwhile.
May 30, 2007 20:50
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"high salaries reduces the likelihood of corruption ".
Singapore has adopted this measure to combat with corruption. Personally, I do not think it will reduces the likelihood of corruption.
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