Travel tip from Thailand to Yuwi
Apr 14, 2008 00:16
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  • Join Date: Jul 4, 2005
  • Status: Offline
For Mumbojumbo

A more convenient and most likely cheaper option of travel from Thailand to Yiwu is to fly from Chiangmai to Kunming

From Kunming you can take the train to Shanghai or Yiwu which ever comes first.

Using the search icons on the top of the page here to search for trains

Ask in Thailand about flights from Bangkok or Chiangmai into Kunming there are also some very cheap flights into Xiamen and Shenzhen but some of the Budget Asian Airlines

Feb 5, 2009 08:32
GUEST25262 there is bus direct from shanghai airport to yiwu

the bus is start off at 11.30 and 17.10 take 3.5 hours to yiwu price is 180rmb
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