How much does the happiness cost?
Jun 11, 2007 02:40
  • CAOJUAN157
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"Happiness costs nothing, it is only a choice"
You've got it, herbicide!
"Nothing" is the "lowest cost" to achieve happiness.
Jun 13, 2007 18:07
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I was taught that it is better to seek for *joy* than for happiness. You might not be happy (which comes and goes) but you can be joyful. This is a quote I found: "Joy is related to happiness, but it is a deeper experience. In the search for happiness the individual focuses upon himself, but joy moves a person out of a self-centered preoccupation and provides an orientation towards others. Joy is an experience which connects us to that which is "Greater" than we are. It connects us to the creative power that is more than the "I" or ego. Joy gets us out of ourselves and in contact with this "Other" and with others. Joy can sustain us throughout the four phases of life. If we are willing to give up the search for happiness, we may find joy. It exists near the center of the wheel where happiness and suffering meet and intermingle."
Jun 15, 2007 01:20
  • CAOJUAN157
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I beg your pardon, what are the four phases of life?
Does it mean sour, sweet, bitter and hot four flavors?
Jun 15, 2007 23:10
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:-) ha ha ha. that's a good one. actually, the four points on the wheel of life are supposedly 1) happiness 2) loss 3) suffering 4) hope and then it goes back to happiness. The more I think about it, the more I agree with this concept. Chinese people (esp if you ever studied Tao Te Ching) say that change is the only constant. And change involves loss, next sadness, but then you have new hopes and then new happiness.

Jun 16, 2007 00:28
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So that's why, through embracing change, one frees oneself from the limitations of time and space in the temporal world. I am glad to learn that after sadness comes new hopes and new happiness. Everytime I have to depart from newly found friends and places, comes the feeling of loss....then sadness. Now, perhaps, I can explain this "four points on the wheel of life" concept with them and they won't feel so abandoned and disheartened : )

As far as the price for happiness is concerned, that goes deeply into our value's and relative belief system. There is no price for a feeling, so I will simply say, "I am happy that I am free and it would be a joy if you'll be happy with me".

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