Looking for work in China
Jun 10, 2007 06:01
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I am would like to find a Job in Asia, I am a 3D graphic artist/ animator (comupter games and television maketing)
I know computers quite well.
Have 2 years experience working in the computer chip production industry (testing, handlers and manipulators/ docking).
I am a firm believer in Taoism and Qi-gong.
I speak German and am a U.S. Citizen. (born and raised in Chicago)
I am currently employed as a carpenter in southern Germany.
I will soon have an x-wife and child that I will have to support in Germany.
Does anyone know where someone like me could find work in China?
Jun 12, 2007 02:18
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Advertising company
Software Development

3D graphic.. maybe u can try the Architectural Design company
Jun 13, 2007 20:21
  • MAY001
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You may try some job-hunting websites. Try:
Jun 15, 2007 12:02
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Too many local Chinese people jobless. So---?
Jun 17, 2007 00:45
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As you don't appear to speak Chinese you would have difficulty getting most jobs in China. Skill levels here are generally not as high as in the west but that does not mean you ill get a job in say animation. Most expats in such roles are sent from overseas.

You should be able to get a job teaching English. There are always jobs in private language centres.... but there are vatious risks associated with these and you usually work unsociable hours. Jobs 'within the system' start around 1st September and most schools and colleges now know which existing teachers have to be replaced so it's a good time to apply, but even if u apply later there are always jobs. You should expect to earn no more than US$ 600 pm,plus airfare and accommodation - probably enough to support the ex and kids in the west. If you are sufficiently skilled you MIGHt be lucky and find a job in graphics etc... For naormal teaching jobs theer are many websites that u can find with a search.
Jun 21, 2007 11:48
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Don't mean to discourage u, but with your skills, u might have better luck in the US. You'd probably earn more, too.

Unless u start a business in China... now that's a different story.
Jun 26, 2007 07:33
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Hi Herbicide !

I agree with Apault but I would add that you can still find a job in China if you target on places like Shanghai, Hangzhou or Ningbo.
I have a friend owning a graphic design company that could be interested.
He lives like me in Ningbo, a modern and rich city just 200kms south of Shanghai. Ningbo is growing very fast and lots of foreign companies open there.
You can know more about Ningbo by typing
If you're interested to come, post your request on the forum (jobs) and not only my friend but other persons could be interested.
Don't expect a very high salary at once but opportunities are there for sure. There are also more and more expats bars where people meet and can find jobs.
As I know Ningbo well, I can say that here everything is possible but needs to be flexible and have a bit of patience too...
Good luck !
Aug 7, 2007 22:23
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I know a city just very close to shanghai(30 miles) name :Taicang, there a big industy park just founding. most company will come from Germany. I am not sure how can help you, but maybe a travel can help you know something well.

I know shanghai is a very big city, too many opportunity there. I believe you must can find a good job there. Maybe a travel can change your whole life. good luck.
Aug 8, 2007 00:12
  • SUSAN205060
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If you work in China, then how to support your wife or Child?

If both them come to China together with you , you think your lift in China will be more better than in Germany?

P.S.: We just consider the question in actual life situation but not romantish .

Yours sincerely,
Susan Zheng( China Tour Guide)
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