Is every Chinese woman a travel guide? | |
Jun 11, 2007 13:46 | |
![]() | Of the dozen or so Chinese women I have emailed in the last year most of them claimed to be a travel guide. I took this to be a figure of speech meaning, I'll show you around. ...but they do not mean show you around my town they mean travel around China with me as my "tour guide." Why would a good Chinese woman travel around China with a complete stranger? ...with all of the implications that carries with it. Do these women not know that most (American) men will take advantage of these circumstances and never have a moment's thought of marriage??? Or are these women scamming in ways I do not understand? |
Jun 11, 2007 20:04 | |
![]() | Griz, OMG, with all due respect; sometimes when I read what you write, I first cringe, then I feel that maybe you have been in the back woods of Montana, close to the Canadian border, out of the cultural main-stream too long !!?? Of course, you can write whatever you want.....I just do not want to be caught up in the [stereotypes] that you create and present with some of the things that you spew forth here. To other TCG members here: "Most" American men, that I know, are not the same as those that Griz might know. Just as there are cultural differences within China; there are many varied cultural differences within the United States. My Lao Po would have nothing to do with me if I fit this stereotype, or others portrayed here in the past. This is, of course, my opinion. :) :) |
Jun 11, 2007 22:10 | |
![]() | Haha,they are crazy!!! We need strong,I mean,our country:-) |
Jun 11, 2007 23:48 | |
![]() | Without any regard for respect, Roger, you mislead the forum readers here. You may not take advantage of a woman and I would do my best to behave myself despite natural inclinations, but it is naive to believe an American man would not seize an opportunity that presented itself. Who are you trying to fool...and why? American young men are taught to seize opportunity; that is how America was built. Examine history to verify this...or perhaps there are women on the forum who could speak to the disingenuous nature of (American) men. One more thing, I was born and raised in a major American city and earned my living in the largest cities of America until I moved to Montana. I am not a Rocky Mountain hillbilly, I live in the mountains and enjoy the mountain life, but I am a city man working for one of the world's largest software manufacturers. I submit that your are deluded or trying to mislead the forum members. |
Jun 12, 2007 00:54 | |
![]() | Hahaha, Griz, Do you think being your personal tour guide will allow you to see under their panties??? Guess again, buddy. I'm an Idaho native and girls in China aren't like the back woods floozies in Montana. No Sir, if you want "special" privledges you'd better ask your lady tour guy where the "pink light" district is. I think the woman who are offering to help you probably want to improve their spoken english (at best). Or they may have some other motivation that neither you, or I, are aware of. Anyway you look go about it, offer them wine along the way and see if they turn into snakes! __WINDENERGY__ |