Camera security
Jun 14, 2007 06:05
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Any tips for me about security when travelling with lots of expensive camera equipment? My cameras will be with me all day and night while I photograph and the bag makes a great pillow when I am on the trains. I am likely to be staying in mid range hotels and Inns, do they have safes or can I leave my bag with staff when my arms need a rest?
Jun 14, 2007 08:34
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Take care!!!!!!
Jun 14, 2007 09:05
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Try not to make it obvious what you are carrying. some hotels offer safes in the rooms other wise you can leave valuables at the desk in others. The rest is just up to you to be dilegent about all your luggage. Never put it down where you can't see or reach it. Most people are honest and wouldn;t know what to do with half of it but those who do will be quick to take advantage of any opportunity.

Best to be discrete.
Jun 14, 2007 13:30
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Most ‘mid-range’ hotels lack a safe of sufficient size in the room, and or in the hotel office. Usually just large enough for cash, documents, and or jewelry, etc. Personal experience.

That leaves you to just lock it up in the room, absent being able to carry it with you at all times.

In all my visits to China, I have [never] had anything taken from my hotel room !!!!

As I reported in a post over a year ago; once, I set my new $ 350.00 digital camera down on a desk, next to an ATM machine in my hotel lobby. I became so distracted in the ATM process, that I left the hotel with my guide/translator in a hurry, forgetting my camera. Two hours later, I discovered it missing and we raced back to the hotel. I checked with the desk clerk (very large hotel) and some very honest Chinese hotel worker, had found it and turned it in to the desk. My photos within, provided the identification that it was my camera. :) :)
Jun 14, 2007 19:52
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You were lucky! I wished I have the same luck when I forget my sunglasses! I've lost 3 pairs since coming to China. Gone, like the wind. On the brighter side, I think mid-range hotels and up are a safe place to store your valuables. Most hotels now have an electronic key and the front desk can (through the computer) tell you when your room key was used.
Yes, if you leave your camera unattended, the chances are it will probably wind up lost. However, In my travels on trains and busses in China, I have never had anything taken from me and think, if you are diligent, neither will you.

Jun 14, 2007 20:32
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keep everything with you dont put any of your stuff down keep your money and everything valuable in your front pocket
Jun 14, 2007 20:33
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beware of thieve they are all over try not to get jacked and dont wear any shiny glod necklaces
Jun 30, 2007 01:24
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Sounds like I might just have to carry my gear all day and all night. My camera bag weighs nearly 7Kg, 2 cameras,5 lenses etc and I dont want to risk losing even 1 item.
Jun 30, 2007 20:38
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You would not regret bringing a full gear. I regretted leaving out the tripod lasttime.
But what if on extreme hike, on horseback, camelback, bamboo raft, etc… we either left them in the hotel (storing them among the clothes and locked the luggage), or left them to trustworthy people like tourguide or driver who accompanied us in the trip for a while
Jul 1, 2007 04:25
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Sure, I always travel with everything as you never know what you will need.
Jul 1, 2007 23:00
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If you really must carry everything (and my experience in many areas is that I always end up using a small number of things and could manage without half the stuff I carry), carry it in an unassuming backpack. There are stories of people having bags cut into so you might carry it in front of you.

I agree with the others that the hotels you mention do not have security facilities but the rooms are usually safe...especially from staff. Generally, hotels etc do not like all the hassles they get if foreigners lose things etc. I travel in real cheapies and have had no probs yet, but I don't show off a big pack of expensive equipment.

Generall this country is safer than other countries, but you can never be sure.
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