Vegan in shanghai?
Jun 15, 2007 21:35
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Next week i will be traveling to shanghai and am not sure if there is a way to eat vegan in Shanghai. When shopping will the food be marked as vegan, etc.? Also, are there any good vegan restaurant in the city?
Thanks for any help guys!
Jun 15, 2007 22:02
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Just order vegetables and fruit. There is a plethora of dishes on the menu most without other additives
Jun 16, 2007 04:33
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There are many good vegan restaurant in Shanghai. The famous restaurants are listed below in Chinese Version, Hope this can help you.

功德林素食馆 南京西路445号 63270218,63271532
玉佛寺素斋馆 江宁路999号 62665596
枣子树淮海店 嵩山路77号1楼(上海皇宫内) 63848000
枣子树古北店 黄金城道848号(古北新区内) 62751798
枣子树江宁店 奉贤路258号(南汇路口,美琪戏院旁) 62157566

Jun 17, 2007 10:58
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the restaurants above are famouse,枣子树淮海店 嵩山路77号1楼(上海皇宫内) 63848000 is near star night bar,that is easy to find .

my home is near there ,if you need help, pls contact me .
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