"Cold Peace" or " New Cold War" ?
Jun 20, 2007 23:05
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In January, US held several talks with Poland and Czech and finally made an agreement. According to US department of defense's plan, US will invest about 3 to 5 billion US dollars to build her anti-missile system military base in Poland and radar and other supporting system in Czech. Bush said that the purpose was to avoid Iran and other nations' missile attacks and offer security condition for his allied nations.

However, his counterpart Russia would not think so. The anti-missile system is a great menace for Russia and seriously affect Russia's national security. On April 23th, the defense ministers of Russia and US held a talk. US hoped that Russia could participate in Eastern Europe anti-missile plan. Howver, Russia refused and said that the anti-missile system affect regional and gloabal security. On June 15th, Russia reiterated that US should freeze development of its planned missile shield in eastern Europe and its missile defense talks with the Czech Republic and Poland. He warned that if Washington goes ahead with its planned missile shield, it would break the strategic balance of power in Europe and Russia would have to find a way to restore it.

On the Russia-US relationship, he said that it is "definitely not living through its golden age. But I wouldn't agree we're living through the worst since the Cold War."

It seems that the relationship between Russia and US becomes tense. How do you think of the relationship, Cold Peace or New Cold war?

Any comments or ideas?

Jun 24, 2007 22:45
  • KEVIN0518
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Well, I think that New Cold War won't happen. Neither US or Russia cares their own inerest too much. Maybe they should compromise and reach an agreement.

No war in the future!
Jul 3, 2007 21:45
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National interest is the most important factors in deal with international relationships. Both sides oppose each other to break the stratigic balance of power, and try to contain the opponents.

Since both US and Russia are superpowers, ( although Russia's power has somewhat declined, it has still played an important role in international affairs), neither of them dare launch a new cold WAR.

Additionally, both the people of the two nations have ever lived in the shadow of 'Iron Curtain" or the 'Cold War'. so grassroots of two nations are unwilling to live in fear again, and they will strongly oppose against the recurence of neither the cold nor the hot war.
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