Top 10 military nations
Feb 16, 2009 14:31
GUEST91127 1 Turkey
2 u.s.a
3 China
4 russia
5 Germany
6 France
7 Japan
8 india
9 Brazil
Feb 21, 2009 17:40
How India is one of the best armies, when they lost to tribal Pathan/ Afghans/Pashtuns from the North West of Pakistan in Kashmir and Nehru had to ask UN for a ceasefire in 1948. That was the first India-Pakistan war.

2nd Indian-Pakistan war of 1965 ended with Pakistani Army operation called operation Jibralter, successfully carried out and India again had to ask the UN for a ceasefire.

3rd Indian-Pakistan war of 1971 ended in the Independence of Bengladesh, and the lost of Pakistan's army, due to political as well as military atrocities in Bengladesh.

4rth Indian- Pakistan war in Kargil ended due to Indian PM Vajpai asking the USA to intervene and to put pressure on Pakistan to pull out its forces from Kargil.

The fact is that Indian army is not equipped with modern weapons and intensive trainings, on the other part , Pakistan Army far lower in numbers had to carried out intensive trainings and is equipped with home grown latest weapons. On the other hand, the country missile technology is far better than India. The nuclear enrichment is of high standard too. The only problem is , can this technology may go in the hands of Islamist within the Army?
Feb 24, 2009 03:47
I think you have some of your facts wrong

Yes it is true India did ask for a ceasefire but that was even though India was beating back the Pakistanis , the reason was India was hoping that the UN would take action against pak for being an aggressor state unfortunatly due to cold war politics no decision was reached . because of a ceasefire the war stopped else India would have slowly but surly pushed the Pakistan army out of Kashmir ( this war cannot be counted as a victory or defeat as neither country got what it wanted)

The Pathan/ Afghans/Pashtuns are really talented warriors . Even the Pakistan armed forces have a tough time with them till date and you can easily find news about the troubles the pak army in the NWFP on the net , its no secret and now Pakistan's peace treaty with the Taliban on the Request of the Taliban give a new insight into the state of Pakistan

In the (2nd) Second war Pakistan faced more losses than India , at the ceasefire called by the UN again Pak controlled 210 miles of Indian territory and India controlled 710 miles of pak territory... all territories were then returned with the ceasefire ( Pakistan suffered more losses , Failed Invasion of Kashmir , The Pakistanis did fight well against a much larger Indian army but it was more or less hopeless for them to try and capture Kashmir )

The 3rd War Bangladesh liberation War also know was the 1971 war :- East Pakistan wanted Independence but were oppressed from Forces of west Pakistan , when India gave heavy support to the Freedom Movement of Bangladesh the Pakistan air force did a preemptive strike on India after which India formally entered the war and it was ended with the Liberation of the Bangladesh people ( India achieved its objectives and is one of India's greatest Victories to date )

The 4th War ( Kargil War ) another Failed attack by Pakistan , Many dead on both sides , no official estimates from Pakistan yet , no change in territory , When news got out that a desperate Pakistan army planned a Nuclear attack on India USA stopped Pakistan in fear of a Nuclear war , and thus with the withdrawal of pak forces the war ended , India was commended for not Crossing the LoC

All the information stated above can be backed by neutral sources

Thus without Doubt India deserves a place within the Top then Armies of the world , As for technology , most of Pak's technology is from China , while Russia has given alot of Equipment to India , Pakistan still does not have a plane to Counter the Indian Su-30 MKI , Training is debatable on both sides , Pakistan still does not have a Cruise missile as India's Brahmos

sry for going off - topic , just correcting some facts
Mar 1, 2009 19:44
ppl why you think russia is 3ยบ ?
russia is so strong as eua, but never are in war and you guys cant see the power
german, german never are in top, german are the countrie of europle with more military power, or dont remmeber 2 word war ? yes they dont have atomic bombs but...
israel, israel have the best armys, good aircraft, tanks, but the number of militarys is to low to win a war vs german / france..
turkey, dont really know how powerfull they are : | cant coment
brazil, iam portuguese i know how powerfull brazil are, and he arento strong, venezuela are more becouse president chavez ; ) brazil big country , a lot of militarys but bad equipament
iran, i dont think they are powerfull, they have armys with 20/30 years like iraq before eua atack, and we saw that at iraq-iran war, no one win becouse they are the same.
10-north corea
Mar 4, 2009 12:06
GUEST11565 1. USA
2. Russia
3. Israel
4. UK
5. Germany
6. France
7. Japan
8. China
9. Korea
10. Iran
Mar 4, 2009 12:25
GUEST11565 Even before, without US, Israel is still undefeated in their war history. Not because of their military or war machines but the land itself, its the promise land, that is the place where Jesus Christ was born. Imagine, their land is not big and surrounded by bigger arab countries but until now its still Israel because none of them can conquers it.
Mar 8, 2009 05:40
GUEST10286 They've tried before. Google "Six Day War."
Mar 11, 2009 09:10

Originally Posted by CALIFORNIA View Post




Mar 15, 2009 22:54
GUESTBABY Usa, China, India, Russia, England, Germany, Israel, France, N. Korea, S Korea
Mar 22, 2009 10:18
GUEST69326 lol..philipines...u got crazy???
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