Horrible--Infectious diseases will come back with the global warming!
Jun 28, 2007 03:18
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Scientists say with the uprising of global warming, many infectious diseases like yellow fever and malaria will stage a comeback.

With the warming, many moving insects will expand their active area, then spread pathogen widely...

Worse, flood, hurricane and other extreme weather will be more frequent.

How long can we live on this 'once - blue' earth?
Jul 3, 2007 21:08
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Global warming is the side-effect of industrialization. The large amount of green house emission make this globe become warmer and warmer. The huge iceberg in the Antarctic zone will be melted. All of us would be flooded, if we let the situation go freely.
Jul 7, 2007 01:16
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There have been some reports recently ( I cant find them online) that say global warming is not real, that we are using it as an excuse. Personally I think we have just ruined the planet to a stage where we cant do anything to help ourselves, we can not turn back time.
How about this for a thought..... mother nature invents new diseases and brings back old ones to kill people as we are overpopulated on the planet earth
Jul 12, 2007 01:52
  • JCNILE123
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pollution it is a fact, we the people have polluted the earth to the max.
pollution is the cause of many deceases and harm.

global warming?? it is the crazy doctrine of the people that want's to tell you how to live, how to travel, what to eat, they want you and me to be guilty of the world's pollution.

for example Al Gore want's you and i to ride a bike, but he most ride a private jet.
he want's you and i to live in little house with limited power, but he have many homes, one of the many he have in tennessee uses the same amount of power that 20 families combine use in any average day in the USA. By the way any average family in the WEST uses 10 times more energy than any average family in say China. WE in the USA pollute more in average than all Chinese people together.
and so on every one rich and famous global warming bozo, they want you and i to change how we live our lifes, and i ask, how are this people pushing and wanting you and i to change, how are they making a change?? lets see private jet? not negotiable, suv? not negotiable, speed boat? not negotiable, big house? not negotiable, so, you and i most change to save the planet, they? they just watch and laugh as the world gets crazy.

i have a question for anyone of you global warming believers, how is that Mars and the other planets are warmer too.

is that our fault too???

Jul 12, 2007 10:19
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Wish to add some Interesting research out put of global warming master with JCNILE.
Bangladesh, a pin point area on the earth.
Global warming master's have a headache with this country. Their research shows, major portion of this country , mainly sea side, will flooded for global warming effect.
Sorry, God regret them. A vast land is adding with this country from sea side area.
Jul 25, 2007 22:41
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That's why I like Canada. Our cold winter zaps all the bugs (including malaria, tropical parasites). They don't have a chance of surviving our cold winters!
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