Not 'how do you think'
Jul 16, 2007 16:47
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I do not want to start acting like a teacher and correcting everyones grammar (especially as mine is not perfect) but I see a lot of threads with 'how do you think of....?' as the question or title.
In the west we say 'what do you think of.....?' when asking a question
If you ask and Englishman 'How do you think?' his answer will probably be 'with my brain'.

Jul 16, 2007 18:48
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Jul 16, 2007 19:37
  • MAY001
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LOL, thanks Davec, you are very careful.

What about "How do you think about...?"
Jul 16, 2007 20:30
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So should the subject of "WHICh Is the Most Beautiful City In China ?" in another post be "What ... ? Hahaha !!
If you asked "What...", then my answer would be "one with full of greenery".
I think Hangzhou is the most beautiful city I have come across in China so far.
Jul 16, 2007 22:58
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Thanks, Davec and agree with Gryokan. It should be "WHICh Is the Most Beautiful City In China ?"
Jul 17, 2007 01:04
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Hey, dont bully me, nobody is perfect.
I have many Chinese friends and they use the same phrase, they always ask me to correct them so I do. Maybe its me that needs help
Jul 17, 2007 03:25
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Very valuable thread, especially for me, thankes, Davec, for pointing out my mistake.
Jul 19, 2007 13:15
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So Davec, please keep your eyes on mistake. I guess no body will mind that.
Jul 21, 2007 12:33
May... 'How do you think about' is slightly better than 'how do you think of', but is still wrong. An answer about thinking is always expected to be about 'what' you think, not 'how'.

It is perfectly correct though to say either 'How do you feel about' or 'What do you feel about', because the answer to a question about feeling can be expected to be about either 'what' or 'how'. This can be used to example the difference between the use of How? and What?:

If I ask 'how do you feel about injustice?' you might answer... Angry!

But if I ask you 'what do you feel about injustice?' you would answer... Anger!

Now I'm even confusing myself... so I will stop.
Jul 21, 2007 12:35
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Yeah, I think we should stop or we will all be going round in circles
Aug 22, 2007 04:21
  • SIMON82
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