To find a moneybags or not?
Jul 17, 2007 04:33
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A survey conducted among the female college students of five colleges in Jilin Province revealed that 43.7% of them object to find a monneybags or a sugar daddy. 21.2% of them think it is normal to find a moneybags or sugar daddy. 1% of them support it and say that they would have a try if she had the opportunity.

What do you think of it? Is it proper to find a moneybags or sugar daddy? If you are a girl, will you try to find one?
Jul 17, 2007 23:07
  • KEVIN0518
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Not only some girls try to find their moneybags or sugar daddy. Actually, more and more people, intstitutions, organizations are trying to find a 'moneybags'. Some universities invite those so-called celebrities to be their visiting professors to make their university more famous. In fact, those people may not be qualified as professors. This is also an example of finding a moneybags.

Jul 17, 2007 23:09
  • LEOPOLD219
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A shortcut for some gilrs to become rich. It seems that the power of money is becoming immense. When we are young, money has a great lure for us. As we beome older and older, it may lose its allure. Make choices based on what on earth we do value.
Jul 20, 2007 06:26
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I want to find a moneybags too! Why limit the question to females? This is supposed to be a time of equality! Not so sure I am interested in a sugar mummy though.. she'd be more like a sugar grandma in my case :( But if there are any young ladies out there who'd like to be a sugar girl.... you know where to message me :)

Ever hopeful, self delusional old male !
Jul 20, 2007 11:01
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it's hard to find a sugar daddy who is a good man. Think about it. A lot of people would consider an older man with a much younger woman a dirty old man. When I was a teenager, and looked very innocent, some older guys would try to give me money... But it's not really free. One, a grocery store owner, would always give me back exactly the amount of money I paid them for food (ie give me groceries for free). He had this certain smile on his face too... He was a creepy guy, esp cause he had a wife and kids that I knew.
Jul 20, 2007 12:19
Money alone will not guarantee true love and happiness, speaking for myself I fall into the "dirty old man bracket", only joking honest!!
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