Do you have a balanced breakfast every day?
Jul 20, 2007 04:29
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Do you know what should be included in your breakfast so that you can get balanced and rich nutrition?

Research shows four kinds of food are the must: cereal, meat (pork, fish or egg), milk or bean, vegetables and fruits.

At least 3 should be included, less than 2 will result in malnutrition.

How is yours?

Jul 20, 2007 04:54
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Few people can reach the standard of living, at least I am not able to do so. Hope in the near future it will become true for every Chinese!!!!
Jul 20, 2007 04:57
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Sorry but what you describe Evening could be OK for my evening meal (haha)... if it had some green veggies in it. Though to be honest I would rather eat Chinese food.

I don't think it is necessary to have a balanced meal at each meal is it?

I think my breakfast is balanced, it is not weigheted in any direction so it must be balanced mustn't it? I NEVER have breakfast.

About twice a week I have lunch to be sociable with people who eat it, but mostly I have just one meal a day, in the evening. Look at my photo in my profile... do I look like 77 years old? No? So my one meal a day must be doing me good ! hahaha

OK, so I am stretching the truth a bit, but I really believe there is so much rubbish written about 3 meals a day and each meal must be balanced.... if you get the balance over the day or even a couple of days that's fine...and if one meal a day at whatever time suits you keeps you healthy, that's cool too. If you gain weight or lose weight or are short of energy, then worry about how you eat.

Interesting topic Evening...but I wonder why the balanced breakfast you chose to picture was an exceptionally large western one. What is a balanced Chinese breakfast?
Jul 20, 2007 08:04
As I get up for work at 4.30 in the morning to go to work, I just don't get time for breakfast, if I'm on holiday then yes, I love a good breakfast as in your picture.
I would without doubt benifit from better nuitrition because I do 12 hour shifts and rarely eat until 8.30 in the evening when I get home.
Jul 20, 2007 10:56
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I enjoy fruit and yogurt with ground nuts sprinkled over for added flavour and nuitrition on weekdays because it is quick and easy to prepare and light to digest.

On weekends I often cook bacon and eggs with toast or cereal. Very occasionally now I'll have toast as well.
Jul 20, 2007 11:01
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On the Road is a different matter.

I'll eat fruit and or yogurt when I can get what I like otherwise I love the tea eggs and shi fan (rice porridge) very filling and satisfying for a long days travel or pounding the pavement.

While travelling I often only eat two square meals and lots of snacks between meals.
Jul 20, 2007 12:43
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Balanced breakfast?? If I am lucky i will grab coffee on the way to work, if I am really lucky I get to drink it while it is hot. If I am really really really lucky I might get some lunch too
Jul 21, 2007 01:34
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Did you take so heavy break fast?
Jul 23, 2007 03:22
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Almost. I take an egg, a small bottle of yoghourt, a steammed bun or baked cake with vegetables in and finally an apple or banana.
Sometimes I eat whole wheat bread instead of the steammed bun. : )
Jul 23, 2007 03:31
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Seems a little too many, isn't it?
If I have no time, I just eat while I am at work......^.&
Jul 25, 2007 20:55
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i eat hot dry noodle or only bread^_^
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