The best Chinatown in your eyes?
Oct 11, 2007 04:18
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Sydney must have the best China Town, clean and friendly people and good prices for food.
But I go there to remind myself of the real thing.
Oct 12, 2007 13:07
  • GRIZ326
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I was in China Town in San Francisco in 1976. The food was very good. I especially enjoyed the steamed buns with red bean paste in them. I walked around until 0300 and never realized that there had been a murder there that evening until I heard the news on the radio. like all major American cities there was a good bit of crime.

My company's office is in Calgary's China Town. It is small, clean and nice enough. The food is very good.

I dare not speculate on how authentic the food is in either of those communities.
Oct 13, 2007 22:42
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Griz326, the Chinatown in San Francisco is a concentration place of overseas Chinese. Does the Chinese there still retained the original Chinese Customs. How about the architectural styles of their residences ? Western styles ? Oh, you had been there in 1976? How is there now ? Any progress there?
Nov 7, 2007 03:49
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In many Hollywood films, Chinatown was portrayed as a horrible place. The communities are infested with crime, poverty and scandal. It seems that the reputation of China has been stained by the propaganda of hollywood movies.
Nov 7, 2007 08:29
Even in London's Chinatown there ia a certain amount of crime with the Triads but we only hear about it when the police either raid it or there is a murder, I hasten to add this is not very often.
Aug 15, 2008 18:09
GUESTBOB A. Chinatown in NY is a tourist trap. Food is Chinese food for Americans which is not really good. The NEW NY Chinatown is located in Flushing, NY. It's 45 minutes by subway and 1 hour by bus. People from several surrounding states come to shop there. Weekends there are wall to wall people. Tens of Dozens of restaurants with as close to authentic food as possible [mostly Cantonese with some variations]. Fruit and vegetables are very reasonable prices as everything else.
Aug 17, 2008 03:52
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Sydney is a great Chinatown IMO. Takes up a whole block of Sydney which is not bad for a city of about two million. Melborne isn't bad either. My closest is Adelaide and although it is small it is a good place for expat Chinese to meet and an opportunity for Australians of other origins to try some good Chinese restaurants mostly Cantonese but also some Sichuan. I think Chinatowns are a great part of any city.
Aug 17, 2008 15:30
  • REMAG1234
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Chinatown in NYC. The NYC Chinatown is a TOURIST TRAP. It is 100 years old when there were only a few Chinese in NY. Today we have thousands. The NEW Chinatown is located in Flushing, NY about 20 miles east of Manhattan in the Borough of Queens. Shopping is at it best and restaurants range from cheap and good to expensive and good. Chinese snack food, street vendors, buffets [my favorite], hanging ducks etc. in windows. Some place make dumplings while you wait and you can sit and eat and watch. Fruit and vegetables are fresh and cheap [compared to the American supermarkets]. People come from at least 3 surrounding states to make their purchases of various Chinese foods. If ever in NY take the #7 train from Times Square or Grand Central for a 35 minute ride to Flushing and enjoy a bit of China.
Aug 17, 2008 17:45
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Lots of Vietnamese, People from Guangdong and Fujian provinces in China town in the city I live. I guess big portion of them are illegal residents. I don't feel at home when walking in Chinatown and food there tastes no good.
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