Leading a life without 'Made in China', possible or not?
Jul 31, 2007 20:51
  • JOHNNY512
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Recently, a book written by Sara Bongiorni who is an American is very popular. The title is A Year Without "Made in China": One Family's True Life Adventure in the Global Economy.

In the book, the author tried not to buy any 'Made in China' goods in the whole year. What she wants to do is to understand how their life is without 'Made in China'. Finally, they found that people can still keep their life going on without 'Made in China'. However, you will come accross a lot of troubles and the family expenditure will rise rapidly.

What do you think of it? Can you imagine a life without 'Made in China'? Leading a life without 'Made in China', possible or not?
Jul 31, 2007 22:46
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Is that so? As i live in China, it is certain that i couldn't live without buying goods marked with "Made in China ".

Just a film. Imagine, those who lives in the countries that don't set the economic relation with China, Their life just go on as it were.
Aug 1, 2007 03:12
I think they are saying there is so many goods on the market that are " made in China " that it would hard not too.
I know I couldn't, simply because I love Chinese food so much, even though I cook it myself, I still need my trusty wok and the ingredients of course.
Aug 1, 2007 11:27
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In our country, "Not possible".
Aug 1, 2007 14:32
  • 2468
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here "made in china" means bad quality haha
Aug 1, 2007 18:03
  • GRIZ326
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Made in China does not always mean bad quality, 2468.

When goods are ordered to be manufactured for export, the company ordering the goods is trying to hit pricing sweet spot. When that price is very low, quality standards are unimportant. If the merchandise is targeted to a more monied buyer, the quality improves dramatically.

One of the things I enjoy about China is that if I look hard enough, I might find an item of very high quality for very little money.
Aug 2, 2007 11:48
Exactly right Griz, this is why international companies are turning to China etc to produce their goods that much cheaper than they can in the west.
Aug 2, 2007 14:06
  • JCNILE123
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good or no so good, about 60% or more of all stuff we buy at the store is MADE IN CHINA.

that Sara woman is off the track.

rich people can do any thing they want, but the truth is, that, made in china products makes life better for the average person,

and last time i check, most everybody is an average person.

rich people is a very small minority.

without made in china products the economy of the west is dead cold dead...
Aug 2, 2007 14:21
  • JCNILE123
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So, Gurty, tell us here, what are the name of the countries that don't use made in china products???

like gurtyland??? is that, one of the nations that don't use made in china products ????
Aug 2, 2007 21:38
  • KEVIN0518
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China has superfluous and cheap labours. To produce goods, those international companies can save more money. China is a world factory. Most world-famous companies have their sub-companies or factories in China, such as Jordan, Nike, Addidas. It is said that about 60% luxurious products in the world will be made in China in 2009. They are also 'Made in China'.
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