Abreaction Restaurant?
Aug 1, 2007 04:29
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In Beijing, a restaurant opened a special room for those who want to release their bad mood.

On the wall of the room, there are two images symbolizing the one you hate. You can throw plates or other porcelain wares to the two images to release your hate.

Of course, there are no free lunch. Each plate costs 10 yuan, each porcelains costs 30yuan to 200 yuan. It is said more than 200 plates have been broken into pieces.

Spending moeny to release hate, worthy or not?

Aug 1, 2007 11:21
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I never will do that
Aug 1, 2007 20:57
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Well, after throwing the plates, you may feel better. But trashes are made. I suggest that the restaurant should find some other materials instead of porcelainwares, for example, plastic balls.

Lion, may l know what you will do to reileve your pressure or bad mood? Participating in sports activities or something else?

If the bad mood or pressure can not be released, it is bad for your health. For me, I take part in some sports activities or find a quiet place to scream.
Aug 2, 2007 11:24
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Sleep or pray to God.
Aug 3, 2007 04:43
  • ZOEY
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A good place to vent your anger and release stress.
Aug 3, 2007 06:50
I could have a smashing time there!! ha ha
Seriously, I vent any anger at a football match ( poor referee ),
thanfully I'm normally a calm person.
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