Renewing and changing VISAS
Aug 8, 2007 05:21
So I am very very confused. I have been working Shanghai for a year on a Z visa (I believe) and I have a residence permit - everything was organized by my company. But at the end of August I will finish work and I want to travel for a few (3+?) months in China, then head to SE Asia then return to Shanghai to pick up my stuff and head home.... but my company says I can only get a 1 month tourist visa now and then go to HK and renew which will become very expensive and difficult if I am far do I have other options?? Are there long term travel visas available from within China? Is it safe to use an agency to help process it? How expensive should it be?

Really need some advice....
Aug 11, 2007 00:20
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Best option is go to the PSB office that issues visas in Shanghai and see what they will give you. You can extend L visas without leaving the country but each situation and place is different, unfortunately so what we give you as well meant advice may not be correct in your circumstance.
Aug 11, 2007 03:38
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When my Z visa ended I only received a 15 day L visa, not even 30 days. As it happens I tried to renew it in Shanghai.... I was told that it was non renewable, just as u have been told Kate. In effect the L visa you get is not a true L visa as it was issued on cancellation of your Resident's Permit. The explanlanation is that they give you a short visa to provide time to get your personal matters sorted out and leave. I argued that teachers want to see the country tey have heard so much about and spernd their savings, but it cut no ice. They said go to HK (which I did). So having experience of the Shanghai office, I can only suggest that you try applying for your L visa from another office and you MIGHT get another result.

Sep 16, 2007 02:28
GUEST12124 Hi Everyone

Im currently In China with my girlfriend on a visiting visa which is valid for 3 months and I have 1 and a half months to go. I want to extend it to 2-3 months more. I've been told I can not extend it without a good enough reason. I want to stay with my girlfriend a bit longer amd see the place a bit more. Is this a good enough reason? Also what documents will I need to provide for the extention and how long will it take?

Feb 18, 2008 03:33
GUESTALAN Hi everyone,
I am a a Cameroonian i have an F single entry visa with a passport that has just about 4 and a half months to get expired.Now,the problem is ...can i make a new passport with the Cameroon embassy in Beijing?
Feb 18, 2008 08:26
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That is a matter for your country, the Cameroons. Most countries will do this. You must have 6 months remaining in a passport to obtain a new Chinese visa.
Feb 28, 2008 08:16
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can any student extend their visa after they quit their study on the university,any way can they change student visa to other visas or apply for new visa from student?i hope do your answer .thanks.
Feb 29, 2008 03:52
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I think it is unlikely you can extend a student visa unless you are currently studying. You cannot change a visa from one type to another. You can apply for another visa for which you are eligible. Go to your local PSB and apply for what you want. See other threads on visa types.
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