what is the cost for real freedom,for any country,countryman?
Aug 10, 2007 23:47
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What is the opinion,of Freedom,in any country,to distinguish who enjoys
their own type of freedom personally. What is Freedom
Aug 11, 2007 04:53
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not a fair question to ask IMO.
Freedom should mean the same for all in the World, but it does not.
Aug 11, 2007 05:57
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Very Good !! Freedom is not the same,nor,do all people really become aware of what their personal freedoms are,and they also do not question
Authority.Freedom is in as many particles,as the human mind can perceive,and beyond all perceptions.Many of the worlds people are led
in the direction,of what the governments want them to recongize as the true freedom.Freedom,varies from the meaningless to the highest
accord. So what is my meaning for "Freedom" ? Is my perception parellel to yours,how will we know when we have this freedom so easily
taken advantage of,and so readily abused,by the people and the peoples governments in any nation.I would have a partial opinion in saying
government is the worst abuser of Freedoms Liberties,and Rights as any group.
Aug 11, 2007 09:08
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People living in different countries have different amounts of freedoms. We can't really equilibrate those different external freedoms, because they depend on your country's laws and also the culture's view of interpersonal relationships. Generally, people who give more also expect more (ie Asian way), and people who give less also expect less (Western way). You can completely see that in the different way that Western parents and Asian parents raise their kids... That's what I see as the difference between Western idea of freedom and the Eastern idea of freedom.

Some Westerners believe that freedom is an absolute ideal to strive for, but I don't agree with that. There is no such thing as *complete freedom*, to look for that is to become an unhappy person as it's a futile search. What is better is look for balance between personal freedoms (ie to enjoy life, personal expression), and also have a sense of responsibility towards our earth, environment and other people. You only have freedom as long as it doesn't infringe on other people's rights... To me, real freedom, is to have control over your negative impulses and to be free from your ego.
Aug 11, 2007 16:00
  • GRIZ326
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A person is as free as they dare to be.

You are free to rob a bank; but exercising that freedom carries a high price if you are caught.

The imposition of rules by a government can deny freedoms or demonstrate that you are a subject not a citizen. For instance, making a 56 year old man produce ID to get a beer. ...I know that is a trivial thing, but that sort of thing makes me fighting mad!
Aug 12, 2007 21:05
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Freedom is relative, not absolute. Absolute freedom actually, never existed throughout the history of human civilization. Even in the primitive society, individual's freedom is restricted to assure the whole tribe to survive and and thrive.
There is no absolute freedom in the paradise, nor in the hell, not to mention the real world.
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