Nothing is worse than living in fear.
Aug 24, 2007 03:04
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Since " September 11th", 2001, not only the Americans but the global citizens lived in fear. Thousands of families have been living in the shadow of "9. 11". For them, "9.11" left an uncurable scar in their inner hearts.

Terrorism becomes a prevalent topic in every corner of the world.Terrorism seems to be contagious. Since "9.11", terrorists have never stopped their activiities. The "3.11 Madrid Terrorist Attack", "July 7th Attack on London subway" "September 1st Russian Hostage Incident" and "the Attack on Bombay Commune System". All embed in our memory.

Terrorism in nature is an illusive cell. Its intention is to revive our fear. How can we prevail? Improving the Eaves-dropping devices seems not effective enough. Nothing is worse than living in fear.
Aug 24, 2007 04:14
I hope the Beijing Olympics will not be become a target for terrorists.
It's very important to try and go about your normal lives otherwise the terrorists win.
Aug 24, 2007 07:01
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If I recall, Margret Thatcher introduced some laws to reduce the amount of press that the IRA received.
Terrorists thrive on useing our media to spread their word for them.
She then attached the flow of money coming too them
Their safe havens also came under the same type of terror that they had used against the wider population. Many of them never came to trail...they just disapeared.
When Lybia was sending squads overseas the USA and the UK just bombed the capital....and wonder upon wonders the Lybians stoped.
Aug 27, 2007 21:17
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I still remember the day when the "Ground Zero" collapsed into pieces, I was deeply shocked. Thousands of families wailed for the loss of relatives. Ambulances sirened. Skyrocketing fireballs. Heavy smoke could almost suffocated you. At that moment, I understood that life is transient and fragile. " 9.11' was the most tumultuous day in America after the bomb of " Peal Harbor".
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