Iran developed "Smart Missile"
Aug 30, 2007 02:19
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Perahaps, what you said is true. Without oil, Iran could be nothing but a barren land. Iran might not bve as developped as US , UK, Canada or other places, but there must be some good things unique in Iran. You are probably seeing only the dark side of Iran as you can see in other countries.
Aug 30, 2007 06:44
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Iran needs to join the 2007 and stop living in the middle ages with all of the hate that went with it..
I think that it is sad the people, the common people can not live their lives as they please.
This area used to be the birth place of civilisation. I hope that these people are able to live their dreams and do not have to live their lives in fear.
They have the same values as we do, love of their family etc. Their goverement feeds them only one thing....hate.
Sep 6, 2007 20:44
  • LEOPOLD219
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Iran was once the cradle of Persian civilization. Now, it is true that it has fallen behind others. Actually, poverty and depression was the general landscape of Middle East. Its degeneration should not be only attributed to their own faults. The colonialism should also be blamed. The long-standin conflicts between Isreal and Palestine has something to do with the interference of the Western Powers.
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