Princess Diana--Candle In the Wind
Aug 30, 2007 20:15
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She was popular with the world in 1990s. She symbolized that the women of the world don't need to rely on men. She told the world : without the dependence on men, women can be a creature dominating their own lives. Her glamour arises from her immense power to handle the pangs of life. Sometimes her such power is strongger the gentlemen of UK .

She is like a candle in the wind, struggled in the whirlwind. But finally, she is powerless in face of destiny. On August 31st, 1977, a car accident sent him to the heaven. The candle was put out, but the glow remains. She performed her royal duty wholeheartedly,even after being stripped off her royal title.

Ten years has passed, she is still in the deep memory of the world. The " Candle In the Wind" echos not only in the sky of Britain, but in the sky of the globe. She blongs to the world. Amen, Princess Diana.
Aug 30, 2007 20:21
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Regal princess

Aug 30, 2007 20:23
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Aug 30, 2007 20:26
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In 1968, seven-year-old princess enjoyed a peaceful and happy childhood.

Aug 30, 2007 20:38
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On July 29, 1981, Prince Charles and Princess Diana held a wedding ceremonmy in Saint Paul Cathedral. This was the only marriage between a royal heir and a aristocrat lady in the past 300 years. This was the only royal heir's marriage held in Saint Paul Cathedral in the 400 years. A " Century Marriage".

Aug 30, 2007 20:47
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Although they have two lovely kids, Prince Charles betrayed his solemn oath, and he had an extra-marital affair. He forgot his "Yes" at their wedding ceremony when the priest asked:" Prince Charles, have you resolved to be faith to your wife."

Aug 30, 2007 21:57
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All too sad of the candle in the whirlwind, who’s in a way victim of the media. Even today some 180 books and more coming out, are continuing to make money out of more new topics of her diet troubles, her lovers, disputes with charles, difficult childhood, relation with the press….. all made millions of readers happy! do you thinking the media is polluting?
Aug 30, 2007 23:10
  • KEVIN0518
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The reader should also be blamed. If they do not love prying other people's privacies, how can these books become popular and make money? Why do people like to explore others' privacies?
Aug 31, 2007 03:18
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Princess Diana is the synonym of "elegance and grace". Right, she is a " Candle in The Wind", not a breeze, but a whirlwind. In her transient life of 36 years, she changed people's view on British Royal family.She saved the once declined reputation of regal family. She spread her love and care around the world. She embraced the people infected by AIDs without fearing of being contaminated.

She is an ordinary innocent British girl. The prying media were so cruel to the innocent princess. On August 31, 1997, God sent an Guardian Angel to take her away from the earthly noise. In the" Capital of Romance "- Paris, Prince Diana ascended to the eternal paradise.
Aug 31, 2007 06:25
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When I watched the procession I had tears in my eyes as I have never had before. It was very sad and the people spoke...with flowers in their thousands.I am sorry that I was not there to share the moment.
It was a very sad way that she left us.
Sep 2, 2007 21:32
  • ZOEY
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Me. too.

When I heard the bad news, I coudn't help sheding my tears. The song "Candle in The Wind" performed by Elton John at her funeral is my favorite song. The lyrics were perfectly reworked by Elton.

" Goodbye, England Rose" Last night, when I listened to this word, I couldn't help recalling Prince Diana, although I had never had the privilege to have a close sight of her noble beauty and elegance.
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