Boys who belong to Pisces are not constant in love?
Dec 4, 2007 21:27
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I just heard that those Pisces are really good at writing love letters. Is this true?
Dec 5, 2007 20:50
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Very funny, JimmyB! I don’t think love letter writing skills has anything to do with one’s zodiac sign though. ^_^”
Dec 6, 2007 00:41
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Well, SHESGOTTOBE. Some Chinese books on star sign tell that Pisces boys are really good at writing love letters. Perhaps, those Pisces guys here can give us the answer.
Dec 6, 2007 19:52
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Quote: I just heard that those Pisces are really good at writing love letters. Is this true?

I am a Pisces and not good at writing love letters. Not constant in love? I do not think so. Some star sign books say that Pisces people are easy to be in love with someone and they will devote themselves to their love. However, if their love ends, they will recover soon. Is this called 'not in constant in love'?

BTW, Pisces people are too innocent, easily moved by something and do not know how to refuse others.
Dec 6, 2007 20:23
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Pardon my ignorance, JimmyB, but I didn’t know that Chinese has “star” signs. I thought Chinese has “animal” signs.

I’m sure the Pisces guys here will answer your question.

Hehe… you’re really into horoscope, aren’t you? ;-)
Dec 9, 2007 21:39
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Yes, SHESGOTTOBE. China has “animal” signs. However, Star signs are also very popular in China amongst those young boys and girls. If you have access to Sina, QQ, 163 and other big Chinese portals, you will find more info about star signs.

Quote: Hehe… you’re really into horoscope, aren’t you? ;-)

Maybe. It is said that Pisces people are keen on star signs. But I am not a Pisces.
Dec 10, 2007 20:05
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Thanks for the info, JimmyB. I can access QQ and 163, however they are in Chinese so they won’t do me any good. ^_^”

I have been accessing Sina for sometime now because my Chinese friend who works for Sina showed it to me before. Maybe when I have nothing better to do, I will read the star signs from that site (if I don’t forget and if I can find them). Maybe it will give me some insights into how the Chinese see this whole horoscope thing. It’ll be interesting. ^_^
Dec 10, 2007 20:26
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Quote: Maybe. It is said that Pisces people are keen on star signs.

As I have said, I am a Pisces and fond of star signs. Why? Horoscope is very interesting and sometimes it is very accurate. I am especially interested in the origins of those star signs.
Dec 11, 2007 20:12
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You are welcome, SHESGOTTOBE. Actually, Chinese people in ancient times knew something about horoscope. However, it is different from that in west.I wonder if you have watched A Man Called Hero, a Hong Kong Kungfu movie. Ekin Cheng was the leading character. Due to his horoscope, he is destined to be alone in his life. His wife was dead because of him and he could not see his son because his son might die because of him as his mom. This was all because of his horoscope.
Dec 13, 2007 10:11
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What's this about Pisces and love?? Sounds fishy to me!

(When something is said to be fishy, there is something suspicious about it)

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