Looted Chinese Artifact in Auction
Sep 6, 2007 00:48
  • ZOEY
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According to Reuters, "a rare bronze horse's head plundered by British and French troops from Beijing's old Summer Palace will be put on sale next month in an auction likely to fetch $10 million and stir nationalist feelings in China."

The statue is one of 12 bronze heads of zodiac animals in the old Summer Palace, or Yuanmingyuan, which was damaged by the British and the French in 1860.

Some experts say that the sale of this looted national treasure will probably provoke indignation and nationalist feeling (patriotic feelings) in China.

Since the Opium War in 1840, China's historical heritages were destroyed and looted by the Coalition of Western countries.

The whereabouts of countless China's rare treasure was still unidentified. Some artifacts are identified, but lie in the alien museums.

The historical artifacts record the history of a nation. For the whole international community, the looted historical heritage belongs to China's private property.

If you have ever "borrowed" these stuffs from China, shouldn't you give them back?
Sep 6, 2007 05:43
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it should all be returned with out question to China.
Not that much different from the loot that the Nazis stole.
Sep 6, 2007 10:32
  • GRIZ326
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A good line from a pretty stupid adventure movie I watched recently. It was a confrontation between a good guy and a bad guy...both were archeologists:

"You practice thievery in the name of archeology...
I practice archeology in the name of thievery..."

Stacy Keach was the bad archeologist.
Sep 6, 2007 21:51
  • LEOPOLD219
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"You practice thievery in the name of archeology...
I practice archeology in the name of thievery..."

Griz, this is a very memorable and interesting quote. What is the name of the movie?

I have also watched a movie called " The Myth" in which Jackie Chan played the leading actor. He played the role of an archeologist. His teacher was a bad archeologist. Jackie Chan said " I am not that kind of person who robs graves in the name of archeology'. He refered to his professor's shameless act of robbing graves.

Actually, many historic arifacts were looted by numerous foreign archeologists in the name of archeology when China was in the tumultuous era.
Sep 8, 2007 11:47
  • GRIZ326
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I googled the is a made for TV movie called "Legend of the Lost Tomb" ... the line I quoted was the best line of the entire movie ;-)
Sep 8, 2007 12:04
  • JCNILE123
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Zoey, French or British.... Irrelevant at this point !!!!, reuters words are not so real and updated.

This artifact in question is in Taiwan !!!! and Taiwan is China.

So, if it is in Taiwan, the indignation shall be against Taiwan,

or the guy that have it up for auction, don't you think so???

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