Hybrids hailed in China
Sep 19, 2007 03:24
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In recent China's show-biz, hybrids seem to enjoy high popularity. Some of the hybrids are famipiar to us, but some not. Caren Mo, Maggie Q, Coco Lee are the representatives. It is said that hybrids are prettier than the "non-hybrid". It seems that hybrids are easier to become successful than " non-mixed blood". Why? I can't tell. The following are some hybrid celebrities. Have you ever heard of them?
Sep 19, 2007 03:25
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Jing Chengwu Chinese-Japan mixed

Sep 19, 2007 03:28
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Zheng Xue'er Chinese-Indian mixed

Sep 19, 2007 03:30
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Zhong Liti

Chinese-Vietnamese mixed

Sep 19, 2007 03:33
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Le Ji'er
Chinese- American mixed

Sep 19, 2007 03:37
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Xie Ling Feng

One quarter of foreign origin

Sep 19, 2007 03:40
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Li Jiaxin Chinese- Portuguese mixed

Sep 19, 2007 03:43
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Huang Qiusheng
Chinese-British mixed

Sep 20, 2007 01:25
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It is said that hybrids are prettier than the "non-hybrid". It seems that hybrids are easier to become successful than " non-mixed blood"

Well, I am afraid that I can't favor your generalization. The success of the hybrids should not only be attributed to their "prettier appearance".Some of them are really brilliant. I think their overseas experience benifited them a lot. Immersed in two different cultures, they have a good opportunity to experience the cultural differences. They are easily accustomed to different cultural atomosphere. Their better understanding of the cultural differences endow them with the inspiration to compose and perform.
Sep 24, 2007 00:34
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I think Leonardo gave a very clever answer to the question.

Also, I find the term "hybrid" a funny term; in Canada, this term is used in the car industry mainly to designate cars with dual propulsion method: electricity/gasoline hybrid engine.
Not to designate races or blood origin.

Too me, "pure races" will soon do not exist in most of the world and to know our 'real' origins, we eventually might have to get DNA testing.
And even then, the results will be so confusing that they might even get irrelevant.

The world is getting smaller everyday and the tradition of Chinese weddings taking place between two adjacent villages might soon become (or most likely IS already) a thing of the past. I wonder how much is the average cost of weddings in cigarettes these days? <--- I hope this joke is not of bad taste

As far as the hybrids being more beautiful physically, I couldn't say. I don't think so; sometimes we just (maybe wrongly) associate beauty to what is different and/or unknown.
Sep 25, 2007 02:12
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You are quite imaginative and associative. "I wonder how much is the average cost of weddings in cigarettes these days? <--- I hope this joke is not of bad taste".

How could you apply this joke in this context? I cann't figure out what you really. Well, perhaps I am stupid. Suppose you are a great professor, I must be the slowest student in your class, Hehe!
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