Two tragedies: sins of fathers?
Oct 9, 2007 04:25
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"This is the culture of the news in brief that is polluting our newspapers (people are usually more interested in this kind of stories which makes them dumber) favouring a kind of voyeurism.we shall not publish the picture of this guy in it I think. "


This kind of case is part of our lives. Do you mean that the media should report only good news and give us a picture of the bright side of society? The dark side should be hidden or overlooked. IMO, we should view a full picture of the neighborhood we are living in. Otherwise, we would become "a frog at the bottom of a well".

Does it matter if his picture should be published or not? I think the post of his picture does not matter. It only indicates that his action is not right. He is not a good example for the rest of us.
Oct 11, 2007 15:30
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I never meant that only good news shall be reported (though seeing some from time to time won't be a bad idea), I just said that in our broadcasted civilization, a guy that dies at the corner of the street easily makes the cover of any newspaper while hundred thousands of people are being exterminated in Africa for example.
The neighbourhood is becoming the center of the world for the narrow minded television-viewer. These problems are inherent to our modern societies and shall be discussed in a more global way, not pointing at a poor guy telling to him you are bad and you shall die because of it. This bring us back 2000 years ago when people just went for fun to the Coliseum in big cities to watch slaves being killed by animals or whatever just because they were "barbarians". The feckless crowd is always prompt to pinpoint what is wrong in someone but never what's wrong about itself.
This is because of such media that you ll become like "a frog at the bottom of a well". Because you just see what is inside your well, nothing else.
Showing the picture of anyone, especially in this case which is not as easy to judge as you may say, is pure nonesense. Guilty or not this guy still got his image rights. To treat such a subject you should hide the name of the guy, tell the story if necessary, tell about the issue that it raises and forget about this guy. He will go to jail but it is not to us to accuse him. What he did is against the law but it is a new problem which doesnt really allow anyone just to say it is good or bad.
Many things in life are not white nor black, actually most are grey...
Oct 13, 2007 23:04
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"Many things in life are not white nor black, actually most are grey"

A profound statement, Enencius. I am trying hard to figure out what the undertone of your statement is in this context. Most are grey. How about the above-mentioned case? Is it the sin of the fatehr? Still " Grey"? I know it is hard to make a choice, but in many cases, we have to tell it is " White' or "Black", no compromise.
Oct 16, 2007 06:49
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True but we are no judge, this is the work of Justice not the one of common people. The only thing that we shall say if we do talk about this guy, is that he was condamned for the crime he committed. What he did stays "grey" to me since on one side, yes it is against the law and noone shall kill anyone. Consequently in a trial it is "black". But on the other side, if you have to take care of your son that is close to the vegetable status ("asking to die" i don't remember if it is the case here), you don't have money and there is no organization to help you to deal with this what shall you do ? Let him die slowly, suffering, letting him alive not to be guilty ? I think it needs some courage and it is rather white since it is not a selfish behaviour. So the result may be different according to the person but he shall not be denigratied publicly.

"I think the post of his picture does not matter. It only indicates that his action is not right. He is not a good example for the rest of us."
This kind of judgment is far too simple to me. The problem is not that simple. That's why I said all this.
Oct 18, 2007 21:19
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I just said that in our broadcasted civilization, a guy that dies at the corner of the street easily makes the cover of any newspaper while hundred thousands of people are being exterminated in Africa for example.
The neighborhood is becoming the center of the world for the narrow minded television-viewer. These problems are inherent to our modern societies and shall be discussed in a more global way, not pointing at a poor guy telling to him you are bad and you shall die because of it.

I understand what you mean. It is true that the media seems to be disaster-oriented. Breaking news or tragic news take up a large proportion of the pages of our newspapers. Why? Because there are many readers who want to read the tragic (breaking) news. That's why the media prefer reporting the breaking bad news. Tragic news can win over the sympathy of the ordinary people. News reports are “Human-interests Oriented".

As to this statement:” The neighborhood is becoming the center of the world for the narrow minded television-viewer." I dissent with you. Right, the neighborhood is the center of the world, not only for the narrow minded, but the broad minded. What happened at the corner of a neighborhood is an epitome of the global scene. Big social scenery consists of small pieces of ordinary people's lives. Remember, “Small Drops Contribute to A Big Pool." Undoubtedly, many problems should be discussed in a global way. However, as a broad-minded person, should we overlook the seemingly trivial cases? The small cases contribute to the Big Globe.
Oct 19, 2007 10:18
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"The small cases contribute to the Big Globe."
In this particular case (informations), I dont think so. Many thing are much more important than one guy's life, for example thousands of lifes... The TV is just set so that you see everything from a narrow viewpoint. It is politicaly oriented. If you have a right wing government you wont see the same TV program as in a left wing country. A good example, these day French news on tv talked non stop about the French President procedure... Who cares ??? It is his business not ours. It is becoming like the Sun in UK: just a paper you shall through directly in the trash (reading it is just a loss of time)...
Actually I never said TV is disaster oriented though it is true, especially since it make money just as you said. I said TV is too individual oriented... It lets you forget about everything except what happens in your neighbourhood which (most of the time) is worthless talking about. I really dont mind if tv always deals with unhappy subjects as soon as it worths talking about. If a guy has been rolled over, well, it is his family's issue not the countries one so it shall not appear in national scale informations. If it appears then it shall be talked in brief. That's all what I meant.
Oct 19, 2007 10:20
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Sorry it was about the French President divorce procedure...
Oct 20, 2007 03:38
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I agree with Erencius view on this totally.
There is too much crap in papers today pretending to be news when most of it is an opinion from the left or the right.
Just give me the facts and let me decide
The media feed on this type of rubbish.
Jan 2, 2008 20:47
GUESTALISA The father do commited crime. According to laws, any criminal should escape the punishement of justice. However, China is not a country that has a strict law-enforcement. Human feelings or public opinions usually have a very big impact on the verdict of jury. Once pubic opinion worked out the sympathy from the jury, law will be put aside.
Jan 2, 2008 21:23
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38"You have heard that it was said, 'Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.'[g] 39But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. 40And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. 41If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. 42Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.

- Matthew 5: 38-42

Forgiveness heals the heart. I think the father should be punished for what he did, because no one has the right to take the life of another, but as individuals, we should forgive.

- moondollars
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