Why marry a Chinese girl?
Mar 25, 2011 17:53
GUEST06163 Girls around the world are the same. Whatever their morals or ethics are all that matters in a relationship is Does she like you? and then do you like her? After this you need to determine what you can live with and then what you cant live with. Good relationships always start in the dating phase, thats why guys have to be more aware of the womens interest, her attitude and respect for you. If she passes all those things, then you need to look at things you can live with (noone is perfect) and then FINALLY you need to see if you actually like her (personality etc).
So many marriages fail because guys go into relationships blindfolded. The best way to succeed is to get a dating coach, get practice and stop falling in love with women until they deserve it (3 months or more).
Apr 6, 2011 20:55
GUEST11069 I like Chinese girls because... they're naturally beautiful. Naturally caring and sweet. They're tight. They act like women, and not like underprivilieged men.

I think that the reason that alot of men seek out asian girls as longterm partners is more to do with wanting a simple relationship than anything else. A relationship where a woman is a woman, and a man is a man. Borderline chauvinism perhaps? Well, either way I'm right there with you.

I was sick to the teeth with western girls. They're rude, and self obsessed. They use their breasts like an all-access pass to life. Young and having fun? Nah, just self obsessed and shallow. I read 'empty' earlier. Pretty much sums it up for me.

My girl is Chinese. I'm currently in the second year of the deepest most meaningful relationship of my life. It's er... not half bad. She treats every day with me as a priviliege, as I do her. We've always been open, as neither of us ever had a hidden agenda to start with. It's just... so completely different from my relationships with Western girls.

So.. why marry a Chinese girl? Because they know what it is to be in an equal relationship. They value love and companionship over material or fiscal security. They're still women *shrugs*. They're just everything that you imagined girls would be when you were a boy.
...If none of those reasons do it for you, then simply....- because I advise it.

Now go! : )
Apr 6, 2011 21:58
GUEST86195 ....3 things why i never want a Western woman (especially USA/Canada/UK/Australian/New Zealand) for either girlfriend or wife….1 miserable....2 nasty....3 selfish. I have dated quite a few western women and found them all the same, + money grabbers (want the man to pay for everything) they are too!! Lastly, Western woman i dated/made love to....30 years ago! Never again! Asian women are REAL woman, that lovely long hair (Western woman usually hair short & like crew-cut sometimes!! They look like a man & act like a man too!) I'm married to a Chinese girl 3 years now & she's perfect!! Got 1 lovely daughter too :O) I'll never live in the Western world again...horrible life!! No respect! Just wish I came here 30 years ago too!
Apr 6, 2011 22:00
GUEST86195 ....Well said friend ....2 thumbs up to you
Apr 11, 2011 22:41
GUESTFITZRITE Chinese women are simply the best! That's why.
Apr 30, 2011 22:22

Originally Posted by GUEST71294

Western women don't like chinese men cause they're small and have ugly faces.

It's so hard to find a handsome chinese guy despite the high population,and when you do find one he looks like your average joe compared to good looking white,latino or black men or his good looks are because he's mixed race.

Shut your mouth up! Chinese men will be strong in future decades, and I will use my action to conquer all the western women!
Jun 19, 2011 01:40
GUEST75176 As a Chinese girl.I want to say that girls characters and features are made by their culture and environment.So don't condemn to much of every girl and that everybody has his or her advantage and shining points.
Jun 21, 2011 22:33
GUEST91277 I've read most of this thread. Virtually every negative thing said about Western women in this thread was stated by someone that I swear to God must know my ex-wife personally. For the entire 23 years we were married, she was a controlling, manipulative, narcissistic, emotional sadist who thoroughly enjoyed making my life a miserable hell every day. She got OFF ON IT! And believe it or not, she abandoned our marriage. She was the one that walked out and kicked a good man to the curb. After about a year, when I'd had time to get over the hurt and move forward, I started hanging with friends and meeting some new girls socially but not dating yet.
Jun 21, 2011 22:34
GUEST91277 There are those that would accuse me of still being bitter but I have discovered that I simply no longer connect with American women. The personality traits that I have come to detest are all too common among virtually every woman that walks the streets in the U.S.A. I even see my best friends' wives breaking their manhood all the time. America has become a country where the women have all personally put the "B" in "Byotch!" And any woman that comes on this thread and says otherwise is suffering from a terrible case of sour grapes. Some may say that not ALL American women are this way. Ok, I will say that if we were to gather several million American women together to conduct a search, we might find maybe 5 women total that are not total man crushing bull dykes that have not yet come out of the closet. I have made myself a solemn promise that I will never break. I will stay single and celibate before I ever even give an American woman the time of day. I don't care if this is sexist. I don't care if it is chauvinistic or any other politically incorrect action of which any modern feminist would accuse me.
Jun 21, 2011 22:35
GUEST91277 All of my life, I had a romantic ideal image in my mind of the physical traits that I personally most wanted to find in a woman. I never really thought that such a woman actually existed. So that's why I relegated my "dream woman" to the back of my mind in the "fantasy but not real" file. I never dated women that looked like my romantic ideal because they basically didn't exist-at least not within any close distance to me.
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