Individualist and Collectivist Cultures
Nov 10, 2009 02:36
GUEST74102 indvidual culture focuses on taking care of one self than the community at large.
Nov 10, 2009 02:37
GUEST74102 culture is a cohensive factor for the society.
Nov 15, 2009 18:24
GUEST03160 Technically, none can make any arguments on which one is better - collectivist or individualist, because there is no such thing. We canot judge other people's way of living, we discuss about it because depending on whether you're brought up in an independent or interdependent culture, there is a relation to one actions and behaviors in terms of perceptions and attitude. Cultural Psychologists today examine both types to gain greater insights into the differences on a macroscopic level. I believe that before anyone gets offended they should seriously educate themselves what is an individualist culture and what is a collectivist culture.
Jan 5, 2010 10:48
GUEST19766 i disagree you are all wrong (the ones that choose individualism) collectivism is the only way to survive out their in the world because the hunter will most likely attacked the zebra than stand out than the pack of a fifty zebras
by 3433
Feb 4, 2010 13:36
GUEST52894 Dodger
Would you agree that goverments who believe in collectivism offer more to their community than those who believe on individualism. individualist goverments tend to create laws to protects those who can afford to lobby them to the detriment of the majority (they often believe in the survival of fittist ). individualistic goverments offten sacrificed their soldier for their own political stability, denying the cries of their own people and the live of their onw soldier. yes I know they are not the only governmnet who do that, but they seem to have a MONOPOLY ON THE WORLD' AFFAIR.
Mar 28, 2010 18:36
GUEST07226 What I like about individualist is, it’s their personal choice if they want to be altruistic or completely self absorbed.
Nov 11, 2010 10:37
GUEST49163 A collective culture is where people in a community tend to help each other. Also where families tend to be closer, and the children sometimes end up taking the same occupation as their parents. For example, someone who's parents had their own farm, may wish to take up the family business. These families are also expected to take care of one another. However, in some collective cultures there are exceptions where people wish to differ away from the collectiveness within the culture they belong to.
Feb 8, 2011 23:04
GUEST40228 In the Political Environment what should be considered base on the following?a
Political Ideology
b. Trends in Political Systems
c. Company and Management Orientations

individualism vs collectivism
Jun 26, 2011 21:35
GUEST80145 I have a Chinese friend (a Ph.D. from Tsinghua) who explained once that he did not think China was a collectivist culture, but a Confucianist culture because of the ways in which decisions are made.
When I think of a collectivist culture making decisions, I think of a tribe, where all of the members gather to discuss what is best for the whole tribe.
At my university, we have no staff meetings to discuss and make decisions. We have only ones where the teachers are told the decisions that have already been made and what is expected of us. Again, my fellow teacher and friend says that this is a Confucianist culture for decision making, not collectivist.
I would never have come to such a conclusion as a foreigner, but as a native, I was intrigued by his analysis.
My wife, of course, disagrees with me; she says that I have misunderstood what "collectivist" means.
So I guess I am joining this discussion to ask what does "collectivist" mean in the decision-making process?
Sep 19, 2011 07:14
GUESTMUHIRE.... All cultures once taken into consideration they really matter and make sense, When at school I simply use the collective culture and outside the learning centre, individualistic cultures takes over. I definately and also love my life and wishing others to love their life since no one , absolutely no one can buy your life it's the only precious gift you have.
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