advice on month's itinerary
Oct 2, 2007 08:46
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We’ll be in China for about four weeks, March 2008, using flights to most/all places. Here’s the rough itinerary:
-Bangkok to Guillin. One night Guillin
-Guillin to Lonsheng Ping-On Rice Terraces. One night.
-Longsheng to Yangshuo- Five nights in Yangshuo area.
-Guilin to Lijiang- four nights there and then one- two nights at guesthouse in Tiger Leaping Gorge
-Lijiang to Chongqing for Yangtze River Cruise- 3 nights
-Yichang to Shanghai- four nights in Shanghai


-Xian- two days for Terracotta Soldiers, etc.
-Last four days in Beijing.

How does this itinerary look? What are the "must-sees" that I've overlooked?
1. Chegdu area foe Leshan statue and the Emeishan ?????
2. More time around Xien area. I saw something about a cute old town, Pingyao? Also Longmen Caves?

Suggestions greatly appreciated!!!

Oct 8, 2007 04:08
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JiuChaiGou should not be's much prettier than Emeishan
If you got 4 days available...why not goto DunHuang....its relatively close to the neighbouring province....I'm going there at the end of the's historically significant and artistically amazing
Oct 8, 2007 11:28
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It really depends where you come from. Places like Jiuzhaigou, while beautiful are similar to other places around the world. If your're going to Tiger Leaping Gorge you could almost afford to skip the Three Gorges unless you are going to visit Shennong Xi to experience the boat trackers, which are the highlight. Skip Leshan, again rather over-rated unless you are spending time in Chengdu.
Why not go north and overland from Tiger Leaping Gorge. Thru Zhongdian and Daocheng (Airport here) or continue via Kanding to Chengdu then on to Xian and Pingyao. Dunhuang is not so close. Get a good map before you come and just check that you are not criss crossing too much.

But your plan is pretty good.
Oct 9, 2007 00:58
GUEST16774 I will be going by train to Lasha for a week in July.Plane back to Bejing. Then from Bejing ,a week at Dun Huang, Hutong, and Kumul and back to Bejing. Part of a group so plans not very flexible. After return to Bejing want to cruise the Yangtse, see Shangai until. Understand that Lijiang is very pretty including boat ride on river Li. Will have about ten days on my own. Any recommendations for must see places and ways to get there would be much appreciated. Any tips regarding solo cruises and accomodations in towns. Am into natural beauty , pleasant people,serenity, and interesting architecture. All I need is a comfortable clean place and a night light for reading and I am set.Local inns are cool.. Any thing any one can advise or suggest ?Much obliged for any help. T
Oct 9, 2007 01:04
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If you are staying in Lijiang then you must go to Dali, I prefered it to Lijiang which is too busy and too much the same in every street
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